An open source gladiator map for Warcraft III.
- Clone the repository.
- Run build.bat
- Edit environment.bat and add the path to your Warcraft III.exe
With the above steps done, you should now be ready to work on the map.
- clean.bat will clean up temporary files
- build.bat will build the map into the out folder
- build-test.bat will build the map into the out folder and then launch wc3
The project comes with a preconfigured Visual Studio Code workspace that can be used to work in.
Inside Visual Studio Code you can run the different scripts using Terminal/Run Task...
and Ctrl+Shift+B will build and run the map.
The project uses a few different tools to do its thing. They can all be found in the tools
This allows the script to use preprocessor syntax like #include to include files, #pragma once to avoid duplicates and #define for conditional features.
JassHelper enables the map to use vJASS
Grimex handles importing and converting files automatically by simply placing them in the src/Imports