Releases: Tigereye504/passive-charms
Passive Charms 1.3.0
-Adds the Potion Reactor, which is crafted with any potion. It grants the potion's effect for a short time when triggered.
-Adds the Purity Reactor, which is crafted with milk. It removes all status effects when triggered.
-Adds the Status Trigger, which is crafted with any combination of 4 potions and empty bottles. It triggers when the holder experiences any included status effect.
-Deprecated Featherfall, Flameward, Gills, Regeneration, and Restoration Reactors; they can no longer be crafted. Their functionality is included in the Potion Reactor.
-Contingency Charms now have much less durability (1000 -> 120), but reactors also consume much less (333 -> 30 for Potion and Purity, 999->120 for Warp).
-Contingency Charm triggers are now much cheaper
--Drowning Triggers are now crafted with coral plants instead of Lingering Potions of Water Breathing
--Freefall Triggers are now crafted with phantom membranes instead of Lingering Potions of Slow Fall
--Immolation Triggers are now crafted with fire charges instead of Lingering Potions of Fire Resistance
--Injury Triggers are now crafted with bone meal instead of Lingering Potions of Instant Health
--Light Injury Triggers are now crafted with bones instead of Lingering Potions of Regeneration
-Maintenance Charms now properly repair themselves while there is nothing else to repair.
Known Bugs:
-Potion Reactors and Status Triggers lose their color when put into a Contingency Charm.
Passive Charms v1.2.1
Update to 1.19
-Industry Charm could not reload in 2x2 grids
-Incompatibility with Charms could disable crafting
-Servers could crash on startup
Passive Charms v1.1.0
Minecraft 1.17 update
Passive Charms 1.0.0
First real release of Passive Charms.
Adds Contingency Charms with 6 Triggers and 6 Reactors to craft them with
Adds Industry Charms,