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Release 0.34.2

Release 0.34.2 #1423

GitHub Actions / Unit Test Results succeeded Mar 31, 2024 in 0s

All 398 tests pass, 12 skipped in 3h 12m 57s

410 tests  +2   398 ✅ +2   3h 12m 57s ⏱️ -5s
 75 suites ±0    12 💤 ±0 
 75 files   ±0     0 ❌ ±0 

Results for commit 3f47aae. ± Comparison against earlier commit ca312fe.


Check notice on line 0 in .github

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Unit Test Results

12 skipped tests found

There are 12 skipped tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of skipped tests.
Raw output
apps_2.bats ‑ (apps) apps:clone ssl-app
builder-herokuish.bats ‑ (builder-herokuish) builder-herokuish:set allowed
git_3.bats ‑ (git) git:sync private
registry.bats ‑ (registry) registry:login
registry.bats ‑ (registry) registry:set push-extra-tags
registry.bats ‑ (registry) registry:set push-on-release
scheduler-k3s-1.bats ‑ (scheduler-k3s) deploy dockerfile exposed port
scheduler-k3s-1.bats ‑ (scheduler-k3s) install nginx with taint
scheduler-k3s-1.bats ‑ (scheduler-k3s) install traefik with taint
scheduler-k3s-2.bats ‑ (scheduler-k3s) deploy annotations
scheduler-k3s-2.bats ‑ (scheduler-k3s) deploy nginx
scheduler-k3s-2.bats ‑ (scheduler-k3s) deploy traefik [resource] [autoscaling]

Check notice on line 0 in .github

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Unit Test Results

410 tests found

There are 410 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
Raw output
app-json-2.bats ‑ (app-json) app.json dockerfile cmd
app-json-2.bats ‑ (app-json) app.json dockerfile entrypoint predeploy
app-json-2.bats ‑ (app-json) app.json dockerfile entrypoint release
app-json-2.bats ‑ (app-json) app.json dockerfile release
app-json-3.bats ‑ (app-json) persist scale
app-json.bats ‑ (app-json) app.json cnb release
app-json.bats ‑ (app-json) app.json herokuish release
app-json.bats ‑ (app-json) app.json scripts
app-json.bats ‑ (app-json) app.json scripts missing
app-json.bats ‑ (app-json) app.json scripts postdeploy
app-json.bats ‑ (app-json) tini test
app-json.bats ‑ (app-json:set)
apps_1.bats ‑ (apps) app autocreate disabled
apps_1.bats ‑ (apps) apps:create
apps_1.bats ‑ (apps) apps:destroy
apps_1.bats ‑ (apps) apps:exists
apps_1.bats ‑ (apps) apps:help
apps_1.bats ‑ (apps) apps:list
apps_1.bats ‑ (apps) apps:lock/locked/unlock
apps_1.bats ‑ (apps) apps:rename
apps_1.bats ‑ (apps) apps:rename with tls
apps_2.bats ‑ (apps) apps:clone
apps_2.bats ‑ (apps) apps:clone (no app)
apps_2.bats ‑ (apps) apps:clone --ignore-existing
apps_2.bats ‑ (apps) apps:clone --skip-deploy
apps_2.bats ‑ (apps) apps:clone ssl-app
build-env.bats ‑ (build-env) buildpack deploy with Dockerfile
build-env.bats ‑ (build-env) buildpack failure
build-env.bats ‑ (build-env) default curl timeouts
build-env.bats ‑ (build-env) special characters
builder-dockerfile.bats ‑ (builder-dockerfile) config export
builder-dockerfile.bats ‑ (builder-dockerfile) port exposure (dockerfile raw port)
builder-dockerfile.bats ‑ (builder-dockerfile) port exposure (dockerfile tcp port)
builder-dockerfile.bats ‑ (builder-dockerfile:set)
builder-herokuish.bats ‑ (builder-herokuish) builder-herokuish:set allowed
builder-herokuish.bats ‑ (builder-herouish:build .env)
builder-lambda.bats ‑ (builder-lambda:set)
builder-nixpacks.bats ‑ (builder-nixpacks:set)
builder-pack.bats ‑ (builder-pack) git:from-image without a Procfile
builder-pack.bats ‑ (builder-pack:set)
builder.bats ‑ (builder) builder-detect [dockerfile]
builder.bats ‑ (builder) builder-detect [herokuish]
builder.bats ‑ (builder) builder-detect [pack]
builder.bats ‑ (builder) builder-detect [set]
builder.bats ‑ (builder:set)
buildpacks.bats ‑ (buildpacks) buildpacks deploy
buildpacks.bats ‑ (buildpacks) buildpacks:add - failure
buildpacks.bats ‑ (buildpacks) buildpacks:add - success
buildpacks.bats ‑ (buildpacks) buildpacks:clear
buildpacks.bats ‑ (buildpacks) buildpacks:help
buildpacks.bats ‑ (buildpacks) buildpacks:remove
buildpacks.bats ‑ (buildpacks) buildpacks:set - failure
buildpacks.bats ‑ (buildpacks) buildpacks:set - success
buildpacks.bats ‑ (buildpacks) buildpacks:set-property
buildpacks.bats ‑ (buildpacks) cleanup existing .buildpacks file
caddy.bats ‑ (caddy) caddy:help
caddy.bats ‑ (caddy) multiple domains
caddy.bats ‑ (caddy) single domain
caddy.bats ‑ (caddy) ssl
certs.bats ‑ (certs) certs:add
certs.bats ‑ (certs) certs:add tar:in
certs.bats ‑ (certs) certs:add tar:in should ignore OSX hidden files
certs.bats ‑ (certs) certs:add with multiple dots in the filename
certs.bats ‑ (certs) certs:add with symbolic link for certificate
certs.bats ‑ (certs) certs:add with symbolic link for private key
certs.bats ‑ (certs) certs:help
certs.bats ‑ (certs) certs:remove
certs.bats ‑ (certs) certs:show
checks.bats ‑ (checks) checks:disable
checks.bats ‑ (checks) checks:disable -> app start with missing containers
checks.bats ‑ (checks) checks:disable -> checks:enable
checks.bats ‑ (checks) checks:disable -> checks:skip
checks.bats ‑ (checks) checks:help
checks.bats ‑ (checks) checks:run
checks.bats ‑ (checks) checks:skip
checks.bats ‑ (checks) checks:skip -> checks:disable
checks.bats ‑ (checks) checks:skip -> checks:enable
checks.bats ‑ (checks) checks:templated
checks.bats ‑ (checks) listening checks
client.bats ‑ (client) apps:create AND apps:destroy with name
client.bats ‑ (client) apps:create AND apps:destroy with random name
client.bats ‑ (client) arg parsing
client.bats ‑ (client) config:set
client.bats ‑ (client) config:unset
client.bats ‑ (client) domains:add
client.bats ‑ (client) domains:clear
client.bats ‑ (client) domains:remove
client.bats ‑ (client) no args should print help
client.bats ‑ (client) ps:restart
client.bats ‑ (client) ps:start
client.bats ‑ (client) ps:stop
client.bats ‑ (client) remote management commands
client.bats ‑ (client) test-args
client.bats ‑ (client) unconfigured DOKKU_HOST
config-oddities.bats ‑ (config-oddities) set-local/get with multiple lines
config-oddities.bats ‑ (config-oddities) set-local/get with multiple spaces and $
config.bats ‑ (config) config:clear
config.bats ‑ (config) config:export
config.bats ‑ (config) config:get --global
config.bats ‑ (config) config:help
config.bats ‑ (config) config:set --global
config.bats ‑ (config) config:set/get
config.bats ‑ (config) config:set/get (with --app)
config.bats ‑ (config) config:show
config.bats ‑ (config) config:unset
config.bats ‑ (config) config:unset --global
config.bats ‑ (config) global config (dockerfile)
config.bats ‑ (config) global config (herokuish)
core_1.bats ‑ (core) image type detection (dockerfile)
core_1.bats ‑ (core) image type detection (herokuish custom user)
core_1.bats ‑ (core) image type detection (herokuish default user)
core_1.bats ‑ (core) remove exited containers
core_2.bats ‑ (core) cleanup:help
core_2.bats ‑ (core) git-remote (bad name)
core_2.bats ‑ (core) git-remote (off-port)
core_2.bats ‑ (core) unknown command
core_2.bats ‑ (core) url (app ssl)
core_2.bats ‑ (core) urls (app ssl)
core_2.bats ‑ (core) urls (non-ssl)
core_2.bats ‑ (core) urls (wildcard ssl)
cron.bats ‑ (cron) create [empty]
cron.bats ‑ (cron) create [multiple]
cron.bats ‑ (cron) create [single-short]
cron.bats ‑ (cron) create [single-verbose]
cron.bats ‑ (cron) cron:help
cron.bats ‑ (cron) cron:list --format json
cron.bats ‑ (cron) cron:run
cron.bats ‑ (cron) injected entries
cron.bats ‑ (cron) installed
cron.bats ‑ (cron) invalid [missing-keys]
cron.bats ‑ (cron) invalid [schedule]
cron.bats ‑ (cron) invalid [seconds]
docker-options.bats ‑ (docker-options) build arguments
docker-options.bats ‑ (docker-options) deploy with options [buildpacks]
docker-options.bats ‑ (docker-options) deploy with options [dockerfile]
docker-options.bats ‑ (docker-options) docker-options:add (all phases over SSH)
docker-options.bats ‑ (docker-options) docker-options:add (all phases)
docker-options.bats ‑ (docker-options) docker-options:add (build phase)
docker-options.bats ‑ (docker-options) docker-options:add (deploy phase)
docker-options.bats ‑ (docker-options) docker-options:add (run phase)
docker-options.bats ‑ (docker-options) docker-options:clear
docker-options.bats ‑ (docker-options) docker-options:help
docker-options.bats ‑ (docker-options) docker-options:remove (all phases)
docker-options.bats ‑ (docker-options) docker-options:remove (build phase)
docker-options.bats ‑ (docker-options) docker-options:remove (deploy phase)
docker-options.bats ‑ (docker-options) docker-options:remove (run phase)
docker-options.bats ‑ (docker-options) dockerfile deploy with link
domains.bats ‑ (domains) app name overlaps with global domain.tld
domains.bats ‑ (domains) app rename only renames domains associated with global domains
domains.bats ‑ (domains) domains
domains.bats ‑ (domains) domains (multiple global domains)
domains.bats ‑ (domains) domains:add
domains.bats ‑ (domains) domains:add (duplicate)
domains.bats ‑ (domains) domains:add (invalid)
domains.bats ‑ (domains) domains:add (multiple)
domains.bats ‑ (domains) domains:add-global
domains.bats ‑ (domains) domains:add-global (multiple)
domains.bats ‑ (domains) domains:clear
domains.bats ‑ (domains) domains:clear-global
domains.bats ‑ (domains) domains:help
domains.bats ‑ (domains) domains:remove
domains.bats ‑ (domains) domains:remove (multiple)
domains.bats ‑ (domains) domains:remove (wildcard domain)
domains.bats ‑ (domains) domains:remove-global
domains.bats ‑ (domains) domains:set
domains.bats ‑ (domains) domains:set-global
domains.bats ‑ (domains) verify warning on ipv4/ipv6 domain name
events.bats ‑ (events) check conffiles
events.bats ‑ (events) events:help
events.bats ‑ (events) log commands
git_1.bats ‑ (git) customize the GIT_REV environment variable
git_1.bats ‑ (git) disable GIT_REV
git_1.bats ‑ (git) ensure GIT_REV env var is set
git_1.bats ‑ (git) git:help
git_1.bats ‑ (git) keep-git-dir
git_2.bats ‑ (git) deploy specific branch
git_2.bats ‑ (git) git:initialize
git_2.bats ‑ (git) git:initialize via deploy
git_2.bats ‑ (git) push to non-deploy branch
git_3.bats ‑ (git) git:allow-host
git_3.bats ‑ (git) git:auth
git_3.bats ‑ (git) git:public-key
git_3.bats ‑ (git) git:sync existing [--build branch]
git_3.bats ‑ (git) git:sync existing [--build commit]
git_3.bats ‑ (git) git:sync existing [--build noarg]
git_3.bats ‑ (git) git:sync existing [--build tag]
git_3.bats ‑ (git) git:sync existing [--no-build annotated-tag]
git_3.bats ‑ (git) git:sync existing [--no-build branch]
git_3.bats ‑ (git) git:sync existing [--no-build commit]
git_3.bats ‑ (git) git:sync existing [--no-build noarg]
git_3.bats ‑ (git) git:sync existing [--no-build tag]
git_3.bats ‑ (git) git:sync existing [errors]
git_3.bats ‑ (git) git:sync new [--build branch]
git_3.bats ‑ (git) git:sync new [--build commit]
git_3.bats ‑ (git) git:sync new [--build noarg]
git_3.bats ‑ (git) git:sync new [--build tag]
git_3.bats ‑ (git) git:sync new [--no-build branch]
git_3.bats ‑ (git) git:sync new [--no-build commit]
git_3.bats ‑ (git) git:sync new [--no-build noarg]
git_3.bats ‑ (git) git:sync new [--no-build tag]
git_3.bats ‑ (git) git:sync new [errors]
git_3.bats ‑ (git) git:sync private
git_4.bats ‑ (git) git:from-image [failing deploy]
git_4.bats ‑ (git) git:from-image [missing]
git_4.bats ‑ (git) git:from-image [normal-cnb]
git_4.bats ‑ (git) git:from-image [normal-custom-branch]
git_4.bats ‑ (git) git:from-image [normal-git-init]
git_4.bats ‑ (git) git:from-image [normal]
git_4.bats ‑ (git) git:from-image [onbuild]
git_4.bats ‑ (git) git:from-image labels correctly
git_5.bats ‑ (git) git:from-archive [invalid archive type]
git_5.bats ‑ (git) git:from-archive [missing]
git_5.bats ‑ (git) git:from-archive [stdin-curl]
git_5.bats ‑ (git) git:from-archive [stdin-file]
git_5.bats ‑ (git) git:from-archive [tar.gz]
git_5.bats ‑ (git) git:from-archive [tar]
git_5.bats ‑ (git) git:from-archive [zip]
git_6.bats ‑ (git) git:load-image [failing deploy]
git_6.bats ‑ (git) git:load-image [normal-cnb]
git_6.bats ‑ (git) git:load-image [normal-git-init]
git_6.bats ‑ (git) git:load-image [normal]
git_6.bats ‑ (git) git:load-image [onbuild]
git_6.bats ‑ (git) git:load-image labels correctly
git_7.bats ‑ (git) push tags and branches
haproxy.bats ‑ (haproxy) haproxy:help
haproxy.bats ‑ (haproxy) log-level
haproxy.bats ‑ (haproxy) multiple domains
haproxy.bats ‑ (haproxy) single domain
haproxy.bats ‑ (haproxy) ssl
init.bats ‑ (init) buildpack
init.bats ‑ (init) dockerfile no tini
init.bats ‑ (init) dockerfile with tini
logs.bats ‑ (logs) logs:help
logs.bats ‑ (logs) logs:report
logs.bats ‑ (logs) logs:report app
logs.bats ‑ (logs) logs:set [error]
logs.bats ‑ (logs) logs:set app
logs.bats ‑ (logs) logs:set escaped uri
logs.bats ‑ (logs) logs:set global
logs.bats ‑ (logs) logs:set max-size with alternate log-driver
logs.bats ‑ (logs) logs:set max-size with alternate log-driver daemon 
logs.bats ‑ (logs) logs:vector
network.bats ‑ (network) dont re-attach to network
network.bats ‑ (network) handle single-udp app
network.bats ‑ (network) network host-mode
network.bats ‑ (network) network management
network.bats ‑ (network) network:help
network.bats ‑ (network) network:set attach
network.bats ‑ (network) network:set bind-all-interfaces
nginx-vhosts_1.bats ‑ (nginx) nginx:help
nginx-vhosts_1.bats ‑ (nginx-vhosts) proxy:build-config (domains:add pre deploy)
nginx-vhosts_1.bats ‑ (nginx-vhosts) proxy:build-config (domains:disable/enable)
nginx-vhosts_1.bats ‑ (nginx-vhosts) proxy:build-config (with global VHOST)
nginx-vhosts_10.bats ‑ (nginx-vhosts) nginx:set x-forwarded-for-value
nginx-vhosts_10.bats ‑ (nginx-vhosts) nginx:set x-forwarded-port-value
nginx-vhosts_10.bats ‑ (nginx-vhosts) nginx:set x-forwarded-proto-value
nginx-vhosts_10.bats ‑ (nginx-vhosts) nginx:set x-forwarded-ssl
nginx-vhosts_11.bats ‑ (nginx-vhosts) nginx:set nginx.conf.sigil
nginx-vhosts_11.bats ‑ (nginx-vhosts) nginx:set proxy-buffer-size
nginx-vhosts_11.bats ‑ (nginx-vhosts) nginx:set proxy-buffering
nginx-vhosts_11.bats ‑ (nginx-vhosts) nginx:set proxy-buffers
nginx-vhosts_11.bats ‑ (nginx-vhosts) nginx:set proxy-busy-buffers-size
nginx-vhosts_12.bats ‑ (nginx-vhosts) git:from-image nginx.conf.sigil
nginx-vhosts_2.bats ‑ (nginx-vhosts) proxy:build-config (wildcard SSL and unrelated domain) 1
nginx-vhosts_2.bats ‑ (nginx-vhosts) proxy:build-config (wildcard SSL)
nginx-vhosts_2.bats ‑ (nginx-vhosts) proxy:build-config (with SSL and Multiple SANs)
nginx-vhosts_2.bats ‑ (nginx-vhosts) proxy:build-config (with SSL and unrelated domain)
nginx-vhosts_3.bats ‑ (nginx-vhosts) grpc endpoint
nginx-vhosts_3.bats ‑ (nginx-vhosts) grpc endpoint on a port other than 80
nginx-vhosts_3.bats ‑ (nginx-vhosts) grpcs endpoint
nginx-vhosts_4.bats ‑ (nginx-vhosts) proxy:build-config (without global VHOST and IPv4 address set as HOSTNAME)
nginx-vhosts_4.bats ‑ (nginx-vhosts) proxy:build-config (without global VHOST and IPv6 address set as HOSTNAME)
nginx-vhosts_4.bats ‑ (nginx-vhosts) proxy:build-config (without global VHOST and domains:add post deploy)
nginx-vhosts_4.bats ‑ (nginx-vhosts) proxy:build-config (without global VHOST and domains:add pre deploy)
nginx-vhosts_4.bats ‑ (nginx-vhosts) proxy:build-config (without global VHOST)
nginx-vhosts_5.bats ‑ (nginx-vhosts) proxy:build-config (dockerfile expose)
nginx-vhosts_5.bats ‑ (nginx-vhosts) proxy:build-config (global DOKKU_PROXY_PORT)
nginx-vhosts_5.bats ‑ (nginx-vhosts) proxy:build-config (multiple networks)
nginx-vhosts_5.bats ‑ (nginx-vhosts) proxy:build-config ( style hostnames)
nginx-vhosts_6.bats ‑ (nginx-vhosts) nginx (no server tokens)
nginx-vhosts_6.bats ‑ (nginx-vhosts) nginx:set --global hsts
nginx-vhosts_6.bats ‑ (nginx-vhosts) nginx:set bind-address
nginx-vhosts_6.bats ‑ (nginx-vhosts) nginx:set hsts
nginx-vhosts_6.bats ‑ (nginx-vhosts) nginx:validate-config
nginx-vhosts_7.bats ‑ (nginx-vhosts) proxy:build-config (custom nginx template - no ssl)
nginx-vhosts_7.bats ‑ (nginx-vhosts) proxy:build-config (disable custom nginx template - no ssl)
nginx-vhosts_7.bats ‑ (nginx-vhosts) proxy:build-config (failed validate_nginx)
nginx-vhosts_7.bats ‑ (nginx-vhosts) proxy:build-config (wildcard SSL and custom nginx template)
nginx-vhosts_8.bats ‑ (nginx-vhosts) nginx:set client-max-body-size
nginx-vhosts_8.bats ‑ (nginx-vhosts) nginx:set proxy-read-timeout
nginx-vhosts_8.bats ‑ (nginx-vhosts) nginx:set proxy-read-timeout (with SSL)
nginx-vhosts_8.bats ‑ (nginx-vhosts) proxy:build-config ignore bad https mapping
nginx-vhosts_9.bats ‑ (nginx-vhosts) access-log-format
nginx-vhosts_9.bats ‑ (nginx-vhosts) log-path
nginx-vhosts_9.bats ‑ (nginx-vhosts) logging
nginx-vhosts_9.bats ‑ (nginx-vhosts) proxy:build-config (wildcard SSL)
nginx-vhosts_9.bats ‑ (nginx-vhosts) proxy:build-config (with SSL and unrelated domain)
openresty.bats ‑ (openresty) allowed-domains
openresty.bats ‑ (openresty) includes
openresty.bats ‑ (openresty) multiple domains
openresty.bats ‑ (openresty) openresty:help
openresty.bats ‑ (openresty) single domain
openresty.bats ‑ (openresty) ssl
plugin.bats ‑ (plugin) plugin:help
plugin.bats ‑ (plugin) plugin:install [errors]
plugin.bats ‑ (plugin) plugin:install permissions set properly
plugin.bats ‑ (plugin) plugin:install plugin:update (with tag)
plugin.bats ‑ (plugin) plugin:install, plugin:disable, plugin:uninstall as non-root user failure
plugin.bats ‑ (plugin) plugin:install, plugin:disable, plugin:update plugin:uninstall
plugin.bats ‑ (plugin) plugin:install, plugin:disable, plugin:update plugin:uninstall (with file://)
plugin.bats ‑ (plugin) plugin:update [errors]
plugin.bats ‑ (plugin) plugin:update permissions set properly
ports.bats ‑ (ports) ports subcommands (list/add/set/remove/clear)
ports.bats ‑ (ports) ports:help
ports.bats ‑ (ports:add) post-deploy add
ports.bats ‑ (ports:report) dockerfile tls
ports.bats ‑ (ports:report) herokuish tls
proxied-app.bats ‑ (proxied-app) default
proxy.bats ‑ (proxy) proxy:build-config/clear-config
proxy.bats ‑ (proxy) proxy:enable/disable
proxy.bats ‑ (proxy) proxy:help
ps-cnb.bats ‑ (ps) cnb env vars
ps-dockerfile-1.bats ‑ (ps) dockerfile
ps-dockerfile-1.bats ‑ (ps:scale) dockerfile
ps-dockerfile-1.bats ‑ (ps:scale) dockerfile non-existent process
ps-dockerfile-2.bats ‑ (ps) dockerfile with bad procfile
ps-dockerfile-2.bats ‑ (ps) dockerfile with procfile
ps-dockerfile-2.bats ‑ (ps:scale) dockerfile app-json formations
ps-dockerfile-2.bats ‑ (ps:scale) dockerfile with procfile
ps-general-1.bats ‑ (ps) handle windows newlines in procfile
ps-general-1.bats ‑ (ps) ps:help
ps-general-1.bats ‑ (ps) ps:inspect
ps-general-1.bats ‑ (ps:restart-policy) default policy
ps-general-1.bats ‑ (ps:restart-policy) deployed policy
ps-general-1.bats ‑ (ps:restart-policy) ps:set restart-policy
ps-general-1.bats ‑ (ps:scale) procfile commands extraction
ps-general-1.bats ‑ (ps:scale) ps:scale formatting
ps-general-1.bats ‑ (ps:scale) update formations from Procfile
ps-general-1.bats ‑ (ps:set) procfile
ps-general-2.bats ‑ (ps:rebuild) old app name
ps-general-2.bats ‑ (ps:scale) console-only app
ps-general-2.bats ‑ (ps:scale) remove zerod processes
ps-general-2.bats ‑ (ps:set) procfile-path
ps-herokuish-1.bats ‑ (ps) herokuish
ps-herokuish-2.bats ‑ (ps:restore) herokuish
ps-herokuish-2.bats ‑ (ps:scale) herokuish
registry.bats ‑ (registry) registry:help
registry.bats ‑ (registry) registry:login
registry.bats ‑ (registry) registry:set image-repo
registry.bats ‑ (registry) registry:set push-extra-tags
registry.bats ‑ (registry) registry:set push-on-release
registry.bats ‑ (registry) registry:set server
repo.bats ‑ (repo) repo:gc
repo.bats ‑ (repo) repo:help
repo.bats ‑ (repo) repo:purge-cache
report.bats ‑ (report) custom docker bin
report.bats ‑ (report) report
resource_1.bats ‑ (resource) resource:help
resource_1.bats ‑ (resource) resource:limit
resource_1.bats ‑ (resource) resource:limit clear single
resource_1.bats ‑ (resource) resource:limit-clear
resource_2.bats ‑ (resource) resource:reserve
resource_2.bats ‑ (resource) resource:reserve clear single
resource_2.bats ‑ (resource) resource:reserve-clear
run_1.bats ‑ (run) run (with --options)
run_1.bats ‑ (run) run cnb (with --env / -e)
run_1.bats ‑ (run) run herokuish (with --env / -e)
run_1.bats ‑ (run) run:help
run_2.bats ‑ (run) list
run_2.bats ‑ (run) run
run_2.bats ‑ (run) run (with tty)
run_2.bats ‑ (run) run (without tty)
run_2.bats ‑ (run) run command from Procfile
run_2.bats ‑ (run) run:detached
scheduler-docker-local.bats ‑ (scheduler-docker-local) complex labels
scheduler-docker-local.bats ‑ (scheduler-docker-local) init-process
scheduler-docker-local.bats ‑ (scheduler-docker-local) no-web
scheduler-docker-local.bats ‑ (scheduler-docker-local) publish ports
scheduler-docker-local.bats ‑ (scheduler-docker-local) scheduler-docker-local:help
scheduler-docker-local.bats ‑ (scheduler-docker-local) timer installed
scheduler-k3s-1.bats ‑ (scheduler-k3s) deploy dockerfile exposed port
scheduler-k3s-1.bats ‑ (scheduler-k3s) install nginx with taint
scheduler-k3s-1.bats ‑ (scheduler-k3s) install traefik with taint
scheduler-k3s-2.bats ‑ (scheduler-k3s) deploy annotations
scheduler-k3s-2.bats ‑ (scheduler-k3s) deploy nginx
scheduler-k3s-2.bats ‑ (scheduler-k3s) deploy traefik [resource] [autoscaling]
ssh_keys.bats ‑ (ssh-keys) ssh-keys:add
ssh_keys.bats ‑ (ssh-keys) ssh-keys:add FILE
ssh_keys.bats ‑ (ssh-keys) ssh-keys:add invalid
ssh_keys.bats ‑ (ssh-keys) ssh-keys:add stdin
ssh_keys.bats ‑ (ssh-keys) ssh-keys:help
ssh_keys.bats ‑ (ssh-keys) ssh-keys:list
ssh_keys.bats ‑ (ssh-keys) ssh-keys:list --format invalid
ssh_keys.bats ‑ (ssh-keys) ssh-keys:list --format json
ssh_keys.bats ‑ (ssh-keys) ssh-keys:list --format text
ssh_keys.bats ‑ (ssh-keys) ssh-keys:remove
storage.bats ‑ (storage) storage:ensure-directory
storage.bats ‑ (storage) storage:help
storage.bats ‑ (storage) storage:mount, storage:list, storage:umount
trace.bats ‑ (trace) trace:help
trace.bats ‑ (trace) trace:off, trace off
trace.bats ‑ (trace) trace:on
traefik.bats ‑ (traefik) multiple domains
traefik.bats ‑ (traefik) show-config with auth set
traefik.bats ‑ (traefik) show-config without auth set
traefik.bats ‑ (traefik) single domain
traefik.bats ‑ (traefik) ssl
traefik.bats ‑ (traefik) traefik:help
traefik.bats ‑ (traefik) traefik:set api
version.bats ‑ (version) version, -v, --version