Jenkins and related Docker files for the BHIMA end-to-end test server
These directions assume Ubuntu LTS, but should be easily adapted to any Debian-based distro.
Note that this test server runs Jenkins in a docker container, so it requires Docker.
- Update your installation
sudo apt update; sudo apt upgrade -y
- Install Docker
- See
- The 'install using the apt repository' option seems to work smoothly
- Create a 'bhima' user (and enable sudo access for this user)
sudo adduser --uid 1000 --gid 1000 bhima
sudo echo "bhima ALL=(ALL) ALL" | /etc/sudoers.d/bhima
- Create a 'jenkins' user for the systemd startup
useradd --shell /sbin/nlogin jenkins
usermod -a -G docker jenkins
- Log in as
and clone this repogit clone jenkins
- Create a build directory
cd jenkins
mkdir build
- Verify that the Jenkins WAR file version is up to date in the Dockerfile
- check for the latest WAR file version
- Verify that this is the version in the Dockerfile (update locally if necessary; see section below for update process).
- Create the docker image
(enter password to use sudo; this should take a few minutes)- NOTE: you may need to make a copy of this build script with updated paths for your installation.
- Create a local directory for a Docker volume to store the configuration
mkdir /var/jenkins
chown -R bhima.bhima /var/jenkins
- Install jenkins/docker service (as root)
- copy 'jenkins-docker.service' to /etc/systemd/system/
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable jenkns-docker.service
systemctl start jenkins-docker.service
- Verify that Jenkins is running and start the initial startup process)
- Check for good start:
systemctl status jenkins-docker.service
- Log into the local jenkins website:
(where 'hostname' could be 'localhost' or the hostname of the Jenkins server) - Start the Jenkins configuration process in the browser.
- Check for good start:
- Update all Jenkins plugins (and restart Jenkins)
- Install Jenkins 'Blue Ocean' plugin
- Set up the Jenkins build agents. See for details.
- Disable build agents on the Jenkins server
- Set
Dashboard > Manage Jenkins > System > System > # of executors
to 0 (and [Save])
- Set
- Disable build agents on the Jenkins server
- Set up the 'Run BHIMA tests' pipeline with Blue Ocean (with button on the main left menu bar).
- See Tutorial with Blue Ocean
- Choose
project - When prompted, create your own Github token and insert it. Note that is this will usually be for your own Github account that has necessary rights to the BHIMA repository.
- Select the 'Third-Culture-Software' organization
- Select the 'bhima-test-jenkins' repository
- Confirm to create the pipeline. Note that this will run the pipeline immediately.
- Exit Blue Ocean to get to the "Classic" view.
- Note: If you do not already have the build agents working, you may want to abort it and temporarily disable it using the "Disable Multibranch Pipeline" button on the pipeline page (eg, http:///job/bhima-test-jenkins).
- Once build agentws are available, re-enable the pipleline and click on the "Build Now" button.
You should start seeing the run in progress on the job page (eg, http:///job/bhima-test-jenkins/job/main/).
At some point, when you access the Jenkins web site, you may notice that Jenkins complains that the version of Jenkins is out of date. To update Jenkins, follow this procedure:
Log into the BHIMA jenkins server (via ssh).
Go to the Jenkins build directory (containing this file) on the server with
(it will probably ask for yoursudo
password)- Note: this will update the Jenkins Docker image with the latest version of the Jenkins WAR file. If you want to run some other version, edit the 'Dockerfile' and comment out the 'RUN wget' line with 'latest' in it and uncomment the previous RUN wget' line and insert the desired Jenkins WAR version number. Then run 'build_image'. In some cases, "latest" may be behind the version Jenkins wants; if so, comment out the "latest" line, uncomment the line with the numbered WAR version, update to the version Jenkins wants, and rebuild.
Once it completes rebuilding the Docker image with the updated Jenkins WAR file, restart the jenkins docker image. It would be best to wait until the current build is complete (eg, check the website or wait until 45 minutes after the hour).
sudo systemctl restart jenkins-docker.service
This will take a few moments to complete.
Verify that Jenkins was updated: Refresh your Jenkins web session and verify that the warning message is gone.