Study Tracker is an application designed to help you monitor the time spent on different subjects or projects, with features to enhance productivity and organization.
▶️ Start, ⏸️ pause, and 🔄 reset study sessions.- ⏱️ Customize session duration (e.g., 25-minute focus, 5-minute break).
- 🔔 Receive notifications at the end of each session.
- 🗂️ Automatically save time spent on each subject or project.
- 📅 View a detailed history with date, duration, and category.
- 📊 Display weekly/monthly charts showing time dedicated to each subject.
- 🛠️ Use libraries like Matplotlib or Plotly for visualizations.
- ➕ Add, ✏️ edit, and ❌ delete subjects or categories.
- 🔗 Associate study sessions with specific subjects.
- 🗒️ Add notes related to study sessions directly in the app.
- 🎨 Choose themes (🌞 light/🌙 dark mode).
- ⏲️ Enable reminders for regular breaks (e.g., 👀 20/20/20 eye rest technique).
Contributions are welcome! Feel free to submit issues and pull requests.
This project is licensed under the GPL-3.0 license.