- Go to
cd catkin_ws/src
- git clone
git clone https://github.com/Thermay-Robotics/qr_code_reader.git
- Then compile
cd catkin_ws
- Camera topic
- launch roscore
- launch camera
May change depending on your camera
roslaunch realsense2_camera rs_camera.launch
- run camera node
Becareful depending on the camera you're using, the topic might be different.
To know the name of your topic use rostopic list
and copy past it in src/camera_subscriber.cpp.
rosrun qr_code_reader camera_subscriber
- run qrcode reading
First you need to install zbar library
sudo apt-get install ros-(distro)-usb-cam
sudo apt-get install -y libzbar-dev
Then run :
roslaunch usb_cam usb_cam-test.launch
rosrun qr_code_reader qr_reader
To launch the package, use the following command :
roslaunch qr_code_reader qr_reader.launch
To launch with the camera, you can use the following command :
roslaunch qr_code_reader qr_reader_camera.launch
you should see the data associated to qr code(s) on the terminal.