The Post hosts sports-related editorial articles where athletes can submit content to be published. Athletes can share their thoughts and experiences, struggles and wins with a community of fellow sports enthusiasts.
The Post is intended to be an addition to PRO-FILE, a website that connects athletes and teams to foster networking and professional opportunities.
Prerequisites: NodeJS
- Clone the GitHub repository.
$ git clone 2. Install dependencies and start in './react-backend'
$ cd react-backend $ yarn install $ nodemon 3. Install dependencies and start in './pro-file-post'
$ cd pro-file-post $ yarn install $ yarn start 4. A browser should open http://localhost:3000/
Articles populate the home page and are organized by most trending (a combination of likes and views). A user can filter articles by sport.
To submit an article, user can navigate to the sign up or login pages.
After logging in, the user can read submission guidelines and fill out a form with their editorial content. Their submission will automatically populate on the home page.
If the user is a designated administrator, they can enter the admin dashboard and view all site users. They can delete articles as well as delete users.
Task Management:
- Javascript/ES6
- Material UI
- React & Redux
- Express
- Knex
- PostgresQL