- Type player and monster names in the Player/Foe field and the initiative modifier in the modifier field.
- Use the "Add Participant" button to add another Player/Foe and the Remove button to remove extra slots.
- You can save your party for later use by using the "Save PArty Button" and load on subsequent visits with the "Load Party" button.
- Once your ready, Roll the Dice!
The app will generate a random number between 1-20 and add the player modifier to it. It will then generate a list in descending order. You can click any of the players/foe names on the list to highlight it, and the X button will remopve that name from the list. (So a dead goblin isn't cluttering up your business).
The "Clear" button will remove the initative list, but will not clear the names typed into the generator or their modifiers if you want to recycle those for a different combat. The clear button will clear the last roll for all players and monsters and generate a new value.