Restore epub pagination functionality (PR#511 )
Update Log function to use Palace rather then Simplified (PR#510 )
Make sure binaries are deleted when returing an book (PP-1024) (PR#509 )
Update the adept-ios submodule commit to latest (PR#508 )
Restore build (PR#507 )
Update logo initialization order for faster loading (PR#506 )
Add some additional logging to network calls (PR#505 )
Update software licenses view to work like android app does (PP-2105) (PR#504 )
Update AdobeDRMContainer to return a DataResource (PP-2099) (PR#503 )
PP-2077, PP-2105, PP-2082 (PR#502 )
Small script to count % LOC in a language (PR#501 )
[PP-2028] Persist playback speed (PR#500 )
[PP-1899] Handle large LCP audiobooks (PR#499 )
[PP-1806] Adjust search bar for iPad (PR#498 )
Update upload script to use a virtual evironment (PR#497 )
Merge/fix build2 (PR#496 )
Bump build number (PR#495 )
Push build to testflight (PR#494 )
Restore build (PR#493 )
Test xcode 16 in build pipeline (PR#492 )
Merge/fix merge (PR#491 )
PP-1336 (PR#490 )
[PP-1336] Restore build (PR#489 )
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