This plugin allows you to review a list of github pull requests across the repositories and labels that you are interested in.
This plugin uses the Octokit gem, so you'll need to make sure you have that installed
gem install octokit
set the repositories that you would like to see pull requests listed for by putting this in your vimrc
let g:pr_review_github_repos = ['thejefe/vim-prreview','rails/rails']
set up custom pull request filters. For options see
let g:pr_review_query = "state:open type:pr label:\"Needs QA\""
let g:pr_review_options = {'sort': 'updated', 'order': 'asc'}
Add a custom mere commmand, defaults to git pull --no-ff --no-edit
let g:pr_review_merge_command = 'git stash; git checkout rc; git reset --hard origin/rc; git pull; git pull --no-ff --no-edit origin'
For now, the github authentication credentials are coming from environment variables. You'll want to both of these set.
export GITHUB_TOKEN=123
export GITHUB_USERNAME=thejefe
To get the best experience, you should also install the TheJefe/github-issues.vim plugin. Until my changes are merged into the original at jaxbot/github-issues.vim, then you should be directed there.
in the PR list window I have
mapped to open a PR in a browserq
the split windowm
to merge the selected PR<return>
to open the PR in a new tab
to open commit list of file change in a new tabs
to open commit list of file change in a vertical splitq
the window
Commits using TheJefe/github-issues.vim
File Diff using TheJefe/github-issues.vim
rake test
or just