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Process monitor update events in block_[dis]connected asynchronously
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The instructions for `ChannelManagerReadArgs` indicate that you need
to connect blocks on a newly-deserialized `ChannelManager` in a
separate pass from the newly-deserialized `ChannelMontiors` as the
`ChannelManager` assumes the ability to update the monitors during
block [dis]connected events, saying that users need to:
4) Reconnect blocks on your ChannelMonitors
5) Move the ChannelMonitors into your local chain::Watch.
6) Disconnect/connect blocks on the ChannelManager.

This is fine for `ChannelManager`'s purpose, but is very awkward
for users. Notably, our new `lightning-block-sync` implemented
on-load reconnection in the most obvious (and performant) way -
connecting the blocks all at once, violating the
`ChannelManagerReadArgs` API.

Luckily, the events in question really don't need to be processed
with the same urgency as most channel monitor updates. The only two
monitor updates which can occur in block_[dis]connected is either
a) in block_connected, we identify a now-confirmed commitment
   transaction, closing one of our channels, or
b) in block_disconnected, the funding transaction is reorganized
   out of the chain, making our channel no longer funded.
In the case of (a), sending a monitor update which broadcasts a
conflicting holder commitment transaction is far from
time-critical, though we should still ensure we do it. In the case
of (b), we should try to broadcast our holder commitment transaction
when we can, but within a few minutes is fine on the scale of
block mining anyway.

Note that in both cases cannot simply move the logic to
ChannelMonitor::block[dis]_connected, as this could result in us
broadcasting a commitment transaction from ChannelMonitor, then
revoking the now-broadcasted state, and only then receiving the
block_[dis]connected event in the ChannelManager.

Thus, we move both events into an internal invent queue and process
them in timer_chan_freshness_every_min().
  • Loading branch information
TheBlueMatt committed Mar 5, 2021
1 parent ba6eee2 commit d481008
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4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions lightning/src/ln/
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Expand Up @@ -4180,6 +4180,10 @@ impl<Signer: Sign> Channel<Signer> {
/// Also returns the list of payment_hashes for channels which we can safely fail backwards
/// immediately (others we will have to allow to time out).
pub fn force_shutdown(&mut self, should_broadcast: bool) -> (Option<(OutPoint, ChannelMonitorUpdate)>, Vec<(HTLCSource, PaymentHash)>) {
// Note that we MUST only generate a monitor update that indicates force-closure - we're
// called during initialization prior to the chain_monitor in the encompassing ChannelManager
// being fully configured in some cases. Thus, its likely any monitor events we generate will
// be delayed in being processed! See the docs for `ChannelManagerReadArgs` for more.
assert!(self.channel_state != ChannelState::ShutdownComplete as u32);

// We go ahead and "free" any holding cell HTLCs or HTLCs we haven't yet committed to and
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115 changes: 104 additions & 11 deletions lightning/src/ln/
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Expand Up @@ -333,6 +333,15 @@ pub(super) struct ChannelHolder<Signer: Sign> {
pub(super) pending_msg_events: Vec<MessageSendEvent>,

/// Events which we process internally but cannot be procsesed immediately at the generation site
/// for some reason. They are handled in timer_chan_freshness_every_min, so may be processed with
/// quite some time lag.
enum BackgroundEvent {
/// Handle a ChannelMonitorUpdate that closes a channel, broadcasting its current latest holder
/// commitment transaction.
ClosingMonitorUpdate((OutPoint, ChannelMonitorUpdate)),

/// State we hold per-peer. In the future we should put channels in here, but for now we only hold
/// the latest Init features we heard from the peer.
struct PeerState {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -436,6 +445,7 @@ pub struct ChannelManager<Signer: Sign, M: Deref, T: Deref, K: Deref, F: Deref,
per_peer_state: RwLock<HashMap<PublicKey, Mutex<PeerState>>>,

pending_events: Mutex<Vec<events::Event>>,
pending_background_events: Mutex<Vec<BackgroundEvent>>,
/// Used when we have to take a BIG lock to make sure everything is self-consistent.
/// Essentially just when we're serializing ourselves out.
/// Taken first everywhere where we are making changes before any other locks.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -794,6 +804,7 @@ impl<Signer: Sign, M: Deref, T: Deref, K: Deref, F: Deref, L: Deref> ChannelMana
per_peer_state: RwLock::new(HashMap::new()),

pending_events: Mutex::new(Vec::new()),
pending_background_events: Mutex::new(Vec::new()),
total_consistency_lock: RwLock::new(()),
persistence_notifier: PersistenceNotifier::new(),

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1854,13 +1865,42 @@ impl<Signer: Sign, M: Deref, T: Deref, K: Deref, F: Deref, L: Deref> ChannelMana
events.append(&mut new_events);

/// Free the background events, generally called from timer_chan_freshness_every_min.
/// Exposed for testing to allow us to process events quickly without generating accidental
/// BroadcastChannelUpdate events in timer_chan_freshness_every_min.
/// Expects the caller to have a total_consistency_lock read lock.
fn process_background_events(&self) {
let mut background_events = Vec::new();
mem::swap(&mut *self.pending_background_events.lock().unwrap(), &mut background_events);
for event in background_events.drain(..) {
match event {
BackgroundEvent::ClosingMonitorUpdate((funding_txo, update)) => {
// The channel has already been closed, so no use bothering to care about the
// monitor updating completing.
let _ = self.chain_monitor.update_channel(funding_txo, update);

#[cfg(any(test, feature = "_test_utils"))]
pub(crate) fn test_process_background_events(&self) {

/// If a peer is disconnected we mark any channels with that peer as 'disabled'.
/// After some time, if channels are still disabled we need to broadcast a ChannelUpdate
/// to inform the network about the uselessness of these channels.
/// This method handles all the details, and must be called roughly once per minute.
/// Note that in some rare cases this may generate a `chain::Watch::update_channel` call.
pub fn timer_chan_freshness_every_min(&self) {
let _persistence_guard = PersistenceNotifierGuard::new(&self.total_consistency_lock, &self.persistence_notifier);

let mut channel_state_lock = self.channel_state.lock().unwrap();
let channel_state = &mut *channel_state_lock;
for (_, chan) in channel_state.by_id.iter_mut() {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1953,6 +1993,10 @@ impl<Signer: Sign, M: Deref, T: Deref, K: Deref, F: Deref, L: Deref> ChannelMana
//identify whether we sent it or not based on the (I presume) very different runtime
//between the branches here. We should make this async and move it into the forward HTLCs
//timer handling.

// Note that we MUST NOT end up calling methods on self.chain_monitor here - we're called
// from block_connected which may run during initialization prior to the chain_monitor
// being fully configured. See the docs for `ChannelManagerReadArgs` for more.
match source {
HTLCSource::OutboundRoute { ref path, .. } => {
log_trace!(self.logger, "Failing outbound payment HTLC with payment_hash {}", log_bytes!(payment_hash.0));
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3100,6 +3144,29 @@ impl<Signer: Sign, M: Deref, T: Deref, K: Deref, F: Deref, L: Deref> ChannelMana

/// Handle a list of channel failures during a block_connected or block_disconnected call,
/// pushing the channel monitor update (if any) to the background events queue and removing the
/// Channel object.
fn handle_init_event_channel_failures(&self, mut failed_channels: Vec<ShutdownResult>) {
for mut failure in failed_channels.drain(..) {
// Either a commitment transactions has been confirmed on-chain or
// Channel::block_disconnected detected that the funding transaction has been
// reorganized out of the main chain.
// We cannot broadcast our latest local state via monitor update (as
// Channel::force_shutdown tries to make us do) as we may still be in initialization,
// so we track the update internally and handle it when the user next calls
// timer_chan_freshness_every_min, guaranteeing we're running normally.
if let Some((funding_txo, update)) = failure.0.take() {
assert_eq!(update.updates.len(), 1);
if let ChannelMonitorUpdateStep::ChannelForceClosed { should_broadcast } = update.updates[0] {
} else { unreachable!(); }
self.pending_background_events.lock().unwrap().push(BackgroundEvent::ClosingMonitorUpdate((funding_txo, update)));

impl<Signer: Sign, M: Deref, T: Deref, K: Deref, F: Deref, L: Deref> MessageSendEventsProvider for ChannelManager<Signer, M, T, K, F, L>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3167,6 +3234,9 @@ impl<Signer: Sign, M: Deref, T: Deref, K: Deref, F: Deref, L: Deref> ChannelMana
/// Updates channel state based on transactions seen in a connected block.
pub fn block_connected(&self, header: &BlockHeader, txdata: &TransactionData, height: u32) {
// Note that we MUST NOT end up calling methods on self.chain_monitor here - we're called
// during initialization prior to the chain_monitor being fully configured in some cases.
// See the docs for `ChannelManagerReadArgs` for more.
let header_hash = header.block_hash();
log_trace!(self.logger, "Block {} at height {} connected", header_hash, height);
let _persistence_guard = PersistenceNotifierGuard::new(&self.total_consistency_lock, &self.persistence_notifier);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3218,9 +3288,7 @@ impl<Signer: Sign, M: Deref, T: Deref, K: Deref, F: Deref, L: Deref> ChannelMana
if let Some(short_id) = channel.get_short_channel_id() {
// It looks like our counterparty went on-chain. We go ahead and
// broadcast our latest local state as well here, just in case its
// some kind of SPV attack, though we expect these to be dropped.
// It looks like our counterparty went on-chain. Close the channel.
if let Ok(update) = self.get_channel_update(&channel) {
pending_msg_events.push(events::MessageSendEvent::BroadcastChannelUpdate {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3254,9 +3322,8 @@ impl<Signer: Sign, M: Deref, T: Deref, K: Deref, F: Deref, L: Deref> ChannelMana
!htlcs.is_empty() // Only retain this entry if htlcs has at least one entry.
for failure in failed_channels.drain(..) {


for (source, payment_hash, reason) in timed_out_htlcs.drain(..) {
self.fail_htlc_backwards_internal(self.channel_state.lock().unwrap(), source, &payment_hash, reason);
Expand All @@ -3282,6 +3349,9 @@ impl<Signer: Sign, M: Deref, T: Deref, K: Deref, F: Deref, L: Deref> ChannelMana
/// If necessary, the channel may be force-closed without letting the counterparty participate
/// in the shutdown.
pub fn block_disconnected(&self, header: &BlockHeader) {
// Note that we MUST NOT end up calling methods on self.chain_monitor here - we're called
// during initialization prior to the chain_monitor being fully configured in some cases.
// See the docs for `ChannelManagerReadArgs` for more.
let _persistence_guard = PersistenceNotifierGuard::new(&self.total_consistency_lock, &self.persistence_notifier);
let mut failed_channels = Vec::new();
Expand All @@ -3306,9 +3376,7 @@ impl<Signer: Sign, M: Deref, T: Deref, K: Deref, F: Deref, L: Deref> ChannelMana
for failure in failed_channels.drain(..) {
self.latest_block_height.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::AcqRel);
*self.last_block_hash.try_lock().expect("block_(dis)connected must not be called in parallel") = header.block_hash();
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3914,6 +3982,18 @@ impl<Signer: Sign, M: Deref, T: Deref, K: Deref, F: Deref, L: Deref> Writeable f

let background_events = self.pending_background_events.lock().unwrap();
(background_events.len() as u64).write(writer)?;
for event in background_events.iter() {
match event {
BackgroundEvent::ClosingMonitorUpdate((funding_txo, monitor_update)) => {

(self.last_node_announcement_serial.load(Ordering::Acquire) as u32).write(writer)?;

Expand All @@ -3932,8 +4012,11 @@ impl<Signer: Sign, M: Deref, T: Deref, K: Deref, F: Deref, L: Deref> Writeable f
/// 3) Register all relevant ChannelMonitor outpoints with your chain watch mechanism using
/// ChannelMonitor::get_outputs_to_watch() and ChannelMonitor::get_funding_txo().
/// 4) Reconnect blocks on your ChannelMonitors.
/// 5) Move the ChannelMonitors into your local chain::Watch.
/// 6) Disconnect/connect blocks on the ChannelManager.
/// 5) Disconnect/connect blocks on the ChannelManager.
/// 6) Move the ChannelMonitors into your local chain::Watch.
/// Note that the ordering of #4-6 is not of importance, however all three must occur before you
/// call any other methods on the newly-deserialized ChannelManager.
/// Note that because some channels may be closed during deserialization, it is critical that you
/// always deserialize only the latest version of a ChannelManager and ChannelMonitors available to
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4135,6 +4218,15 @@ impl<'a, Signer: Sign, M: Deref, T: Deref, K: Deref, F: Deref, L: Deref>

let background_event_count: u64 = Readable::read(reader)?;
let mut pending_background_events_read: Vec<BackgroundEvent> = Vec::with_capacity(cmp::min(background_event_count as usize, MAX_ALLOC_SIZE/mem::size_of::<BackgroundEvent>()));
for _ in 0..background_event_count {
match <u8 as Readable>::read(reader)? {
0 => pending_background_events_read.push(BackgroundEvent::ClosingMonitorUpdate((Readable::read(reader)?, Readable::read(reader)?))),
_ => return Err(DecodeError::InvalidValue),

let last_node_announcement_serial: u32 = Readable::read(reader)?;

let mut secp_ctx = Secp256k1::new();
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4164,6 +4256,7 @@ impl<'a, Signer: Sign, M: Deref, T: Deref, K: Deref, F: Deref, L: Deref>
per_peer_state: RwLock::new(per_peer_state),

pending_events: Mutex::new(pending_events_read),
pending_background_events: Mutex::new(pending_background_events_read),
total_consistency_lock: RwLock::new(()),
persistence_notifier: PersistenceNotifier::new(),

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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions lightning/src/ln/
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Expand Up @@ -83,11 +83,13 @@ pub fn connect_block<'a, 'b, 'c, 'd>(node: &'a Node<'b, 'c, 'd>, block: &Block,
let txdata: Vec<_> = block.txdata.iter().enumerate().collect();
node.chain_monitor.chain_monitor.block_connected(&block.header, &txdata, height);
node.node.block_connected(&block.header, &txdata, height);

pub fn disconnect_block<'a, 'b, 'c, 'd>(node: &'a Node<'b, 'c, 'd>, header: &BlockHeader, height: u32) {
node.chain_monitor.chain_monitor.block_disconnected(header, height);

pub struct TestChanMonCfg {
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions lightning/src/ln/
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Expand Up @@ -207,6 +207,7 @@ fn test_unconf_chan() {
check_closed_broadcast!(nodes[0], false);
nodes[0].node.test_process_background_events(); // Required to free the pending background monitor update
check_added_monitors!(nodes[0], 1);
let channel_state = nodes[0].node.channel_state.lock().unwrap();
assert_eq!(channel_state.by_id.len(), 0);
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