Welcome to the The Block Product QA Engineer exercise! This exercise is here to get you acquainted with a small sample of what we do and for us to get acquainted with your skills. It should take no more than two hours of your time.
- Fork this repository to your personal GitHub account and clone the fork to your computer.
- Save and commit your answers to your fork of the repository, and push them back to your personal GitHub account.
- Use the Internet as a resource to help you complete your work. We do it all the time.
- We like to use Web Driver IO for end to end testing, so please feel free to use. However, you may use any testing framework in order to accomplish your task.
- Have fun and don't overthink it!
- Create an END-2-END test for this url:
- The app will have 3 components:
- A simple todo component
- A simple calculator component
- A simple counter component
- Write a test that succesfully tests both successes and failures for each component
- When done, commit your work to your clone of this repository. Add any instructions we need to build your work. Send us a link to your clone.