Design and implement an application that provides information about cryptocurrency. Create a functional backend system that retrieves and updates cryptocurrency data.
The Question Doc can be seen at location: Cryptocurrency Backend Assignment.pdf
- The decision of which is the Top Coin is dependent on the Market Cap value.
- Given how the question is written, its not possible to have a cache miss. Whenever we get the top 20 coins and their relevant data, we store it both in the cache and the database.
: Return JSON responses in Flask.cache.py
: Stores data relevant to the Top20 coins in the cache.updater.py
: File when executed calls the coin data and uploads it into the AirTable and at the same time, stores it into the cache.env-vars
: Stores the API Key, so that it is not revealed in the main code files (security purposes).
python api.py
python cache.py
source env-vars
python updater.py
To get coin related data, you can do: