Sample template with truffle configuration and several networks deployment.
- Ethereum: Mainnet and Ropsten
- Binance Smart Chain: Mainnet and Testnet
- Optimism: Mainnet and Kovan
The configuration of the required keys is done by create a .env file at the root of the project. The format of this file is:
An template is provided in dotenv-template, please fill the values in and rename it to .env. The .env file is ignored by .gitignore and never commited to the repository.
The package provides the ability to fork existing networks locally through:
$ npm run ganache:$(network)
Where network can be one of the following:
- bsc-local-testnet: local fork of BSC testnet
- bsc-local-mainnet: local fork of BSC mainnet
- eth-local-ropsten: local fork of Ethereum Ropsten
- eth-local-mainnet: local fork of Ethereum Mainnet
- optimistic-local-kovan: local fork of Optimistic Kovan
- optimistic-local-mainnet: local fork of Optimistic Mainnet
The package supports deploying to the Optimism network. You can run a local node and then migrate with:
$ npm run migrate:optimistic-local-node
Or you can fork one of the available networks as explained in the Local fork section.
My name is Roberto Cano and you can find me at