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IR Reference

TechnoJo4 edited this page Jan 12, 2021 · 2 revisions

The IR is represented by tuples (actually just normal lua array-like tables), the first item being the instruction (usually abbreviated inst, sometimes called type).

Operand type notation used in this document:

  • IR: An IR instruction tuple
  • Int: An integer
  • Const: An (integer) index into the constant table
  • [] after a type means that the operand is an array of the type.
  • ... after a type means that all or all remaning operands are of the type.
Instruction Operands Description
NIL None Constant nil
TRUE None Constant true
FALSE None Constant false
CONST Index (Const) Constant from constant table.
GETTABLE Table (IR), Index (IR) Index into a table.
SETTABLE Table (IR), Index (IR), Value (IR) Set the index into a table to a value.
GETLOCAL Index (Int) Gets a local
SETLOCAL Index (Int), Value (IR) Sets a local
GETUPVAL Index (Int) Gets a upvalue
SETUPVAL Index (Int), Value (IR) Sets a upvalue
GETGLOBAL Index (Const) Gets a global
SETGLOBAL Index (Const), Value (IR) Sets a global
ADD Left (IR), Right (IR) Addition
SUB Left (IR), Right (IR) Substraction
MUL Left (IR), Right (IR) Multiplication
DIV Left (IR), Right (IR) Division
MOD Left (IR), Right (IR) Modulo
POW Left (IR), Right (IR) Power (Exponentiation)
CONCAT Values (IR...) Concatenation
UNM Value (IR) Unary Minus (Negative)
NOT Value (IR) Logical Not
LEN Value (IR) Length
OR Left (IR), Right (IR) "Logical" OR (not really, like lua or)
AND Left (IR), Right (IR) "Logical" AND (not really, like lua and)
EQ Left (IR), Right (IR) Equality
NEQ Left (IR), Right (IR) Inequality
LT Left (IR), Right (IR) Less Than
LTEQ Left (IR), Right (IR) Less Than or Equals
GT Left (IR), Right (IR) Greater Than
GTEQ Left (IR), Right (IR) Greater Than or Equals
CALL Call Target (IR), Number of expected Returns (Int), Arguments (IR...) Function call
NAMECALL Table (IR), Index (Const), Number of expected Returns (Int), Arguments (IR...) Method call (function call through table, e.g. a:b(arg))
RETURN Values (IR...) Return
POP Int... or IR... Deallocate a register in the bytecode emitter. Used to discard expression statement results and for locals at end of scopes.
PUSH Int... or IR... Allocate a register in the bytecode emitter. Used for locals.
CLOSE Int... Closes locals (at the end of scopes).
CONDITIONAL Condition (IR), True Branch (IR), False Branch (IR) Conditional Expression
LOOP Statements (IR[]) Loop
IF Condition (IR), True Branch (IR[]), False Branch (IR[]) If Statement
BREAK None Break Statement
CLOSURE Index into prototype table (Int) Gets a closure value
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