#Team A – Devops Cohort 14 – Project 1 #Objective: Design a Bash script for managing user accounts on a Linux system. The script should allow users to perform various actions, such as adding a new user, deleting a user, listing all users, adding a sudo password, locking/unlocking a user account, and setting account expiry.
#Requirements: #The script should display a menu to the user with the following options:
#Add a new user #Delete a user #List all users #Add a sudo password #Lock/Unlock a user account #Set account expiry date $Any other key: Display an error message and exit
Implement the functionality for each menu option:
Add a new user (Option 1): Prompt the user for the new username. Display a success message
Delete a user (Option 2): Prompt the user for the username to be deleted to remove the user. Display a success message.
List all users (Option 3): To display a list of all usernames in the system.
Add a sudo password (Option 4): Prompt the user for the username to set a sudo password. Display a success message.
Lock/Unlock a user account (Option 5): Prompt the user for the username and whether to lock or unlock the account. Display appropriate success messages.
Set account expiry date (Option 6): Prompt the user for the username to set the account expiry date. Display a success message
Invalid choice: Display an error message and exit the script.