My personal list of important content related to Mobile Robotics and AI. Feel free to send me some suggestions: [email protected]
- Courses 🎓
- Books 📚
- Datasets 📂
- Softwares and Libraries 💻
- Conferences 🏬
- Journals 📰
- Companies and Jobs 🏢
- Laboratories and Research Groups 🤖
- Misc 🔶
- Mobile Sensing and Robotics | YouTube - Cyrill Stachniss
- Sensors and State Estimation | YouTube - Cyrill Stachniss
- Photogrametry | YouTube - Cyrill Stachniss
- SLAM | YouTube - Cyrill Stachniss
- Modern C++ | YouTube - Cyrill Stachniss
- Become a Robotics Software Engineer | YouTube -Udacity
- Different playlists about ROS | YouTube - The Construct
- A platform to learn/teach robotics from zero | The Construct
- Autonomous Systems | Udacity
- Artificial Intelligence for Robotics | Udacity - Prof. Dr. Sebastian Thrun
- C++ Essential Training | Bill Weinman
- Slides of Computer Vision | Lectures from Cornell - 2013
- Computer Vision: Foundations and Applications | Stanford University - Prof. Fei-Fei Li
- Interval Analysis | IAMOOC - Prof. Luc Jaulin
- Robot Mapping | University of Freiburg - Prof. Cyrill Stachniss
- JAI: Robótica e Simulação com o V-REP | CSBC - Julho 2015
- Digital Image Processing | University of Tartu - Prof. Dr. Gholamreza Anbarjafari
- Tutorial on Visual Odometry | University of Zurich - Prof. Davide Scaramuzza
- Visual SLAM Tutorial | Frank Dellaert and Michael Kaess
- Visual Odometry from scratch - A tutorial for beginners | Avi Singh's blog
- Aerial Robot Courses | University of Nevada - Dr. Kostas Alexis
- Stereo Vision Tutorial | Chris McCormick
- Different ROS courses | Udemy
- Introduction to Mobile Robotics | University of Freiburg - Prof. Dr. Wolfram Burgard
- GaiTech EDU | Educational website on Robot Operating System (ROS)
- Robocademy | ROS Course from Lentin Joseph
- Hello (Real) World with ROS | Delft University of Technology - edX
- Self-Driving Cars with ROS and Autoware | The Autoware Foundation
- Programming for Robotics - ROS |ETH Zurich - Robotics System Lab
- CVML knowledge self-assessment | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - Prof. I. Pitas
- Think Autonomous | Jeremy Cohen
- PyImageSearch | Adrian Rosebrock
- DuckieTown | Learning Autonomy
- Machine Learning | Stanford - Andrew Ng
- Deep Learning Specialization | Stanford - Andrew Ng
- OpenCV: C++ and Python | Satya Mallick
- Awesome Self-Driving | Ivan Deylid
- Principles of Computer Vision | Shree K. Nayar
- Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications | Richard Szeliski - 2010
- Probabilistic Robotics | Sebastian Thrun, Wolfram Burgard, Dieter Fox
- Handbook of Robotics | Kröger
- Writing for Computer Science | Justin Zobel
- Introduction to Autonomous Mobile Robots (Intelligent Robotics and Autonomous Agents series) | Roland Siegwart,Illah Nourbakhsh, Davide Scaramuzza
- Planning Algorithm | Steven M. LaValle, Cambridge
- A Gentle Introduction to ROS | Jason M. O'Kane, University of South Carolina
- Robotics, Vision and Control: Fundamental Algorithms in MATLAB | Peter Corke, Springer
- Introduction to Autonomous Robots | Nikolaus Correll, Magellan Scientific
- Principles of Robot Motion: Theory, Algorithms, and Implementations | Howie Choset, Kevin Lynch, Seth Hutchinson, George Kantor, Wolfram Burgard, Lydia Kavraki, Sebastian Thrun
- Modern Robotics: Mechanics, Planning, and Control | Kevin M. Lynch and Frank C. Park, Cambridge University Press
- Learning ROS for Robotics Programming | Enrique Fernández, Anil Mahtani, Luis Sánchez Crespo, Aaron Martinez
- Mastering ROS for Robotics Programming | Lentin Joseph
- Robótica Móvel | Roseli Romero, Edson Prestes, Fernando Osório, Denis Wolf
- Computational Principles of Mobile Robotics | Gregory Dudek, Michael Jenkin
- Stereo Dataset with ground truth | Middlebury Coleg - 2006
- Databases or Datasets for Computer Vision Applications and Testing | Huge list of datasets
- QuestUAV Survey Datasets | Different UAV Datasets
- Robot@Home | University of Málaga
- KITTI Vision Benchmark Suite | University of Tübingen, Toyota and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
- TUM Dataset | Technical University of Munich - Computer Vision Group
- UAV Dataset - AdM | Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - Phi Group
- UAV Dataset - POA | Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - Phi Group
- SemanticKITTI | University of Bonn - Photogrammetry & Robotics Group, Computer Vision Group, and Autonomous Intelligent Systems Group
- FinnForest | A Forest Landscape for Visual SLAM
- Ford Autonomous Vehicles Dataset | A multi-agent seasonal dataset from Ford
- ENAV planetary Dataset | Space and Terrestrial Autonomous Robotic Systems (STARS) Laboratory, University of Toronto
- Udacity Self-Driving Car | Udacity
- Long-term Visual Localization | A benchmark datasets aimed at evaluating 6 DoF pose estimation accuracy, Chalmers University of Technology
- Waymo Open Dataset | Waymo
- Berkeley DeepDrive (BDD) | Berkeley
- nuScenes | Motional
- BARN Dataset | The University of Texas at Austin - Department of Computer Science
- RELLIS-3D | A multimodal dataset collected in an off-road environment containing annotations for 13,556 LiDAR scans and 6,235 images
- Gazebo Models and Worlds collection | This repository contains models and worlds files for Gazebo, which are collected from several public projects
- Gazebo models | This repository holds the Gazebo model database
- NASA 3D models | 3D models, textures, and images from inside NASA
- OpenCV 3.2.0 + Contrib | For Ubuntu 16.04 - Sebastian Montabone
- OpenCV 3.4.0 + Contrib | For Ubuntu 18.04 - pyimagesearch
- ORB-SLAM | University of Zaragoza - Raúl Mur Artal
- ORB-SLAM2 | University of Zaragoza - Raúl Mur Artal
- ORB-SLAM2 Point Cloud | A modified ORB_SLAM2 with a online point cloud map module running in RGB-D mode
- ORB-SLAM2 Save/Load Map | A modified ORB_SLAM2 with a the save/load map feature enabled
- DS-SLAM | A complete robust semantic SLAM system, which could reduce the influence of dynamic objects on pose estimation
- Robot Operating System (ROS) | ROS
- Gazebo | Robot silumator
- RobWork | A Collection of C++ libraries for simulation and control of robot systems
- MRPT | A obile Robot Programming Toolkit provides developers with portable and well-tested applications and libraries covering data structures and algorithms employed in common robotics research areas. It is open source, released under the BSD license
- Robotics Library | A self-contained C++ library for robot kinematics, motion planning and control
- Simbad | A Java 3d robot simulator for scientific and educationnal purposes
- Morse | A generic simulator for academic robotics
- Carmen | an open-source collection of software for mobile robot control. CARMEN is modular software designed to provide basic navigation primitives including: base and sensor control, logging, obstacle avoidance, localization, path planning, and mapping
- Peekabot | A real-time, networked 3D visualization tool for robotics, written in C++. Its purpose is to simplify the visualization needs faced by a roboticist daily
- YARP | Yet Another Robot Platform
- V-REP | A Robot simulator, 3D, source available, Lua scripting, APIs for C/C++, Python, Java, Matlab, URBI, 2 physics engines, full kinematic solver
- Webots | a development environment used to model, program and simulate mobile robots
- Drake | A planning, control and analysis toolbox for nonlinear dynamical systems
- Neurorobotics Platform (NRP) | An Internet-accessible simulation system that allows the simulation of robots controlled by spiking neural networks
- The Player Project | Free Software tools for robot and sensor applications
- AirSim | A simulator for drones (and soon other vehicles) built on Unreal Engine
- Bonnet | An Open-Source Training and Deployment Framework for Semantic Segmentation in Robotics
- Summit | A Simulator for Urban Driving in Massive Mixed Traffic
- CyPhyHouse | A toolchain that aims to provide similar programming, debugging, and deployment benefits for distributed mobile robotic applications
- Assistive Gym | A physics-based simulation framework for physical human-robot interaction and robotic assistance
- Augmented LiDAR Simulator for Autonomous Driving | A novel LiDAR simulator that augments real point cloud with synthetic obstacles (e.g., vehicles, pedestrians, and other movable objects)
- LIRS World Construction Tool (LIRS-WCT) | A new efficient tool for creating a realistic 3D virtual environment of Gazebo world from an arbitrary 2D image or 2D LRF data
- | Labeling technology for image segmentation
- Docker | Docker is a set of platform as a service products that uses OS-level virtualization to deliver software in packages called containers
- GBPlanner | aGBPlanner is a new software package for Graph-based exploration path planning
- MBPlanner | A ROS software package for Motion Primitives-based Exploration Path Planning
- SalsaNext | A uncertainty-aware semantic segmentation of a full 3D LiDAR point cloud in real-time
- CoppeliaSim | A robot simulator
- ROS Navigation Stack | A 2D navigation stack that takes in information from odometry, sensor streams, and a goal pose and outputs safe velocity commands that are sent to a mobile base
- ROS 2 Navigation | It is the spiritual successor of the ROS Navigation Stack
- RobotWebTools | It is a collection of open-source modules and tools for building web-based robot apps
- Deep Drone Acrobatics | The code allows you to train end-to-end control policies to fly acrobatic maneuvers with drones
- atlatec | High Definition Maps for Autonomy and Simulation
- EGO-Planner | This is a lightweight but robust quadrotor local planning framework
- Event-based Asynchronous Sparse CNNs | It is a tool to convert models trained on synchronous image-like event representations into sparse, asynchronous models with identical output
- OpenBot | A small electric vehicle that costs $50 and serves as a robot body for standard Android smartphones
- SkiROS | A platform to create complex robot behaviors by composing skills - modular software blocks - into behavior trees
- OpenStreetMap | A map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license
- NVidia Isaac Sim | It provides the essential features for building virtual robotic worlds and experiments
- Flightmare | A Flexible Quadrotor Simulator from the Robotics and Perception Group
- Hierarchical Localization toolbox - HLOC | A modular toolbox for state-of-the-art 6-DoF visual localization
- ICP | All about ICP and it's different implementations
- GTSAM | A C++ library that implements smoothing and mapping (SAM) in robotics and vision
- iSAM | A range of existing functionality for least-squares optimization, focused on the SLAM problem
- Bag of Visual Words | Bag of Visual Words from Olga Vysotska
- Small projects to clarify big concepts | Explanation of concepts from Olga Vysotska
- 3DWarehouse | The place to share and download SketchUp 3D models for architecture, design, construction, and fun
- 3DGEMS | 3D Gazebo Models
- Ignition | A collection of open source software libraries designed to simplify development of high-performance applications
- robosuite | A simulation framework powered by the MuJoCo physics engine for robot learning
- GMMLoc | Dense Map Based Visual Localization
- ROS Robots | A site to showcase robots using ROS
- MoveIt | An open source robotics manipulation platform for developing commercial applications, prototyping designs, and benchmarking algorithms
- Apollo | A high performance, flexible architecture which accelerates the development, testing, and deployment of Autonomous Vehicles
- hdcp_planning | An online Hex-Decomposed Coverage Planning (HDCP) algorithm
- Freetures | Localization in Signed Distance Function submaps
- BALM | Bundle Adjustment for Lidar Mapping
- STDyn-SLAM | A Stereo Vision and Semantic Segmentation Approach for SLAM in Dynamic Outdoor Environments
- Learning to drive smoothly | Learning to drive smoothly in minutes, using a reinforcement learning algorithm -- Soft Actor-Critic (SAC) -- and a Variational AutoEncoder (VAE) in the Donkey Car simulator
- Fast-Planner | It aims to enable quadrotor fast flight in complex unknown environments
- SLAM Toolbox | A set of tools and capabilities for 2D SLAM
- RightHook | Accelerating development of autonomous systems through simulation
- GradSLAM | A fully differentiable dense SLAM framework
- MATLABRobotics | MATLAB sample codes for mobile robot navigation
- PythonRobotics | Python code collection of robotics algorithms, especially for autonomous navigation
- Data Science & Machine Learning | Notes on using Data Science & Machine Learning to fight for something that matters
- OctoMap | An Efficient Probabilistic 3D Mapping Framework Based on Octrees
- LIO-SAM | A real-time lidar-inertial odometry package
- Yonohub | A cloud-based system for designing, sharing, and evaluating complex systems, such as Autonomous Vehicles, ADAS, and Robotics
- SSL_SLAM2 | Lightweight 3-D Localization and Mapping for Solid-State LiDAR
- ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction (HRI)
- CISM IFToMM Symposium on Robot Design, Dynamics and Control (RoManSy)
- IEEE Conference on Decision and Controls (CDC)
- IEEE International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR)
- IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
- IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)
- IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids)
- International Symposium of Robotic Research (ISRR)
- International Symposium of Experimental Robotics (ISER)
- Robotica
- Robotics: Science and Systems Conference (RSS)
- The International Workshop on the Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics (WAFR)
- Robotics and Autonomous Systems | Elsevier - Impact factor: 2.259
- Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems (JINT) | Springer - Impact factor: 2.825
- Transactions on Robotics (T-RO) | IEEE - Impact factor: 6.123
- International Journal of Robotics Research (IJRR) | SAGE - Impact factor: 4.703
- Autonomous Robots | Springer - Impact factor: 3.602
- Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing | Elsevier - Impact factor: 5.057
- Journal of Field Robotics (JFR) | Wiley - Impact factor: 3.581
- Robotics & Automation Magazine (RAM) | IEEE - Impact factor: 4.250
- Robotica | Cambridge Core - Impact factor: 1.509
- Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L) | IEEE - Impact factor: 3.6
- NAVER LABS Europe | It conducts fundamental and applied research in domains such as computer vision, 3D vision, machine learning and robotics or more globally speaking, in artificial intelligence
- PAL Robotics | It helps you integrate cutting-edge humanoid and mobile robots to add value to your research institution or company and reach your goals outstandingly
- X | X is a diverse group of inventors and entrepreneurs who build and launch technologies that aim to improve the lives of millions, even billions, of people (Google)
- Waymo | Autonomous Driving car company from Google
- ZOOX | Zoox is creating autonomous mobility from the ground up
- Robotec AI | A software company that develops high-tech solutions for automated and connected vehicles
- Fraunhofer IPA | A leading centre for applied research in robotics and automation in one of the most innovative industrial areas world-wide
- ihmc Robotics | IHMC has been pioneering advanced control techniques for bipedal robots to maintain balance while walking over a wide variety of terrains
- GUSS | Autonomous orchard sprayers
- AgroIntelli | Versatile and autonomous agricultural robot solving multiple tasks in the field
- Abundant Robotics | Commercial Robotic apple harvest
- Rowbot | Robotic solutions for row crop agriculture
- Bear Flag Robotics | Bear Flag Robotics is developing self-driving technology for tractors and implements
- Agrobot | From disruptive but practical approaches, we build smart farming machinery
- Rabbit | Farm Utility Robots
- Soft Robotics | Rethink, redefine, reimagine the future of robotic automation
- Civil Maps | The only scalable High Definition Mapping and Localization solution
- Small Robot | Small Robot Company is reimagining farming with robotics and artificial intelligence
- Aptiv | Making mobility greener
- nuTonomy | It provides point-to-point mobility via large fleets of autonomous vehicles in challenging urban driving environments
- Agreenculture | Make smart farming your power
- | Building the world’s first industrial grade cognitive engine
- Vicarious | Intelligent Robotics for the Next Age of Manufacturing
- Kopernikus Automotive | A leading developer in automated valet parking (AVP Type 2) technology, which describes an autonomous driving solution
- Korechi | Robotics & Automation made simple
- Voyage | Delivering on the promise of self-driving cars
- Toyota Research Instute | Exploring the future of Intelligence Amplification
- AGXEED | It provides the all-in autonomy solution
- Halodi Robotics | Safe, Capable and affordable robots that help human beings live better lives
- | The most comprehensive database of companies working on autonomous vehicles and related technologies
- Swarm Farm | We’re delivering autonomous agriculture
- Lyft Level 5 | Making self-driving a reality for people everywhere
- Wayve | Autonomous mobility driven by AI
- Catalog - Self-driving cars | All technology leaders, events and products - listed in a single catalog
- BoxBot | Intelligent Package Sorting for Faster Delivery
- AutonomousStuff | It provides solutions for automated driving to thousands of customers worldwide, enabling the future of autonomy
- NVIDIA DRIVE Constellation | An open platform with plug-ins for third-party models from ecosystem partners, allowing users to customize it for their unique use cases
- Aeolus | Aeolus robotics is building a robotic platform to provide robot as a service (RaaS) to people at work and at home
- Burro | Autonomous Farming Begins with Collaborative Farm Robots
- Intermodalics | Providing digital intelligence from software to robots
- Gestalt | The innovation service provider for industrial automation
- Volvo Autonomous Solutions | We develop commercially viable solutions for on- and off-road applications
- DeepMap | HD mapping and localization solutions for all levels of autonomy
- Refraction AI | Safe and Cost Effective Last-Mile Logistics
- ABB | A leading global technology company that energizes the transformation of society and industry to achieve a more productive, sustainable future
- exyn | The first industrial drone that flies itself, anywhere
- FarmDroid | The world’s first fully automatic robot that can take care of both sowing and mechanical weed control
- naïo technologies | Autonomous Robots for Easier Farming
- Thorvald | Autonomous modular robot delivering agricultural services
- nLink Mobile robots that solve real life problems
- intek | Connecting people and robots
- nuro | The self-driving vehicle made for local goods transportation
- Blue River | Optimize every plant
- ecorobotix | Techonology for environment
- ZTractor | The world's first autonomous electric tractor
- FarmWise | Innovative systems and processes that allow farmers to streamline operations and increase food production efficiency
- mobileye | A leading supplier of software that enables Advanced Driver Assist Systems (ADAS)
- Optimus Ride | The leading self-driving vehicle technology company developing systems for geo-fenced environments
- Autonomous Vision Group (AVG) | University of Tübingen - Prof. Dr. Andreas Geiger
- Robot Vision Group | Imperial College London - Prof. Andrew Davison
- Computer Vision Group | University Jaume I
- Robotics and Perception Group | University of Zurich - Prof. Davide Scaramuzza
- Laboratrio de Robótica Móvel | ICMC/USP São Carlos - Prof. Fernando Osório
- StachnissLab | University of Bonn - Prof. Dr. Cyrill Stachniss
- Autonomous Intelligent Systems | University of Freiburg - Prof. Dr. Wolfram Burgard
- Multi-Robt Systems Group | University in Prague - Prof. Dr. Martin Saska
- Robotics and Intelligent Systems (ROBIN) | University of Oslo - Prof. Dr. Jim Tørresen
- Machine Perception and Intelligent Robotics (MAPIR) | University of Málaga - Prof. Dr. Javier Gonzalez Jimenez
- Robotics, Perception and Real Time Group | Universidad de Zaragoza - Juan D. Tardós and others
- Team CoSTAR | A collaboration between NASA’s JPL, MIT, Caltech, KAIST, LTU, and several industry partners
- Autonomous Navigation and Perception Lab (ANPL) | Technion-Israel Institute of Technology - Asst. Prof. Vadim Indelman
- Institute for Robotics and Intelligent Machines (IRIM) | Georgia Institute of Technology
- Vijay Kumar Lab | University of Pennsylvania - Prof. Dr. Vijay Kumar
- Phi Robotics | Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - Prof. Dr. Edson Prestes
- Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) | MIT’s research lab
- Goal-Oriented Long-Lived Systems (GOALS) | Oxford Robotics Institute - Nick Hawes
- Skoltech Mobile Robotics | Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology - Gonzalo Ferrer
- Michael R. Bock | Software engineer
- The Computer Vision Industry | List of companies that develop computer vision products - David Lowe
- LaTeX Templates for documents of Inf/UFRGS | Github - Prof. Lucas Schnorr
- Como usar o modelo LaTeX do Inf/UFRGS | Vítor de Araújo
- Google's driverless car | TED - Prof. Sebastian Thrun
- Women in US Academic Research in Robotics | An active, monitored list of women with PhDs involved in US academic research in robotics
- SlidesCarnival | Free PPT templates and Google Slides themes for presentations
- SlidesGO | Free Google Slides and PowerPoint templates to boost your presentations
- Linguee | Dictionary and translator (with context)
- Macmillan Dictionary | English dictionary with synonyms, examples and translation
- Academic Phrasebank | A general resource for academic writers
- SkELL | A state-of-the-art cloud tool for building, managing and exploring large text collections in dozens of languages
- collocaid | A project that focuses on the development of a text-editing tool to help writers with collocations
- Sketch Engine | It's the ultimate tool to explore how language works
- Thesaurus | A source of synonym suggestions
- Talking Robotics | A series of virtual seminars about Robotics and its interaction with other relevant fields, such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Human-Robot Interaction, among others
- Robotics Diversity Reading List | A collection of researchers and papers to build a more diverse community
- LeetCode | A platform to help you enhance your skills, expand your knowledge and prepare for technical interviews
- Stanford Cheatsheet on CNNs, RNNs | Convolutional Neural Networks cheatsheet (Deep learning)
- Autonomous Vehicle people | A Twitter graph that shows everyone you can follow on autonomous vehicles
- Google Dataset Search | Google search engine for public datasets
- Wevolver | Knowledge shared by technology developers and scientists. Wevolver is how engineers stay cutting edge
- Jobs UK | Find a job
- Papers with Code | A free and open resource with Machine Learning papers, code and evaluation tables
- Awesome Robotics Brazil | Lista de iniciativas de robótica do Brasil!
- Código aberto em 12 passos | Um guia para começar a contribuir em open source