DevDays is built using the MVC Architecture, we have also implemented "authorization" so folx can sign up, customize & personalize the app.
DevDays was created to understand how MVC concept and logins are added as well as building experience working in a team!
Additions by Antosha_montana, Johnaius, madeleineofrivia, S1oop, Scamm & Stinkerton
Be sure to add that lovely star 😀 and fork it for your own copy
DevDays was created by developers for developers. DevDays gives developers a single location to keep a journal about their day-to-day work. Journaling gives users an opportunity to actively recall what they worked on/learned during the day
bcrypt connect-mongo dotenv ejs express express-flash express-session mongodb mongoose morgan nodemon passport passport-local validator
Add option to post pictures as part of a journal entry
Customize profile including contact info, photo
Have fun testing and improving it! 😎