3D 180/360 video player for macOS for PSVR with head tracking.
Demo: https://youtu.be/qXFqAeZr4NM
- Power ON the PS4.
- Connect the HDMI from PSVR headset to the computer (leave the other connector connected to processing box).
- Connect any other HDMI screen in place of the headset (must be ON - use your TV)
- Connect USB from PSVR processing box to your computer.
- If confused, see the wiring diagram below.
- Launch the app and choose the video (mp4, mov, m4v supported now) and pick the correct format from the dropbox.
- That's it - it should work now. Use "R" button to reset view.
- 2D 180°
- 3D 360° Horizontal (Stacked)
- 3D 180° Vertical (Side By Side)
- Enter - Toggle fullscreen
- Space - Play / Pause
- Arrows - Skip backward / forward
- R - Center view / reset orientation
- ESC - Exit fullscreen / quit
- Mouse drag - Look around