Map was created using Apache Echart.
"X": "-118.19292099988",
"Y": "33.768070999739",
"id": 1,
"MetroLine": "Blue Line",
"Station": "Downtown Long Beach Station",
"StopNumber": 80101,
"TOOLTIP": "Stop: Downtown Long Beach Station\\nStop No: 80101\\nBlue Line",
"NLA_URL": ",75,75"
Data from geohub lacity was in .csv format, so I had to convert it to JSON format first.
Also, I have set up a lightweight JSON endpoint on to fetch station's json from there
All that is left is write an algorithm, which is going to go through a specific range of stations and connect them.
const pushFromTo = (from, to) => {
let i = from;
for (i; i <= to; i++) {
id: stops[i]["id"],
value: stops[i]["id"],
symbolSize: 4,
x: stops[i]["X"],
y: -stops[i]["Y"],
name: stops[i]["Station"],
category: stops[i]["MetroLine"]
//finding nodes using 'id' property
source: `${i}`,
target: i + 1 <= to ? `${i + 1}` : `${i}`//to keep in range
- I have separated all the metro lines in different functions for better readability.