Play against an AI Monopoly Player Online
- Users play against an AI monopoly player in real time.
- AI player is implemented using three levels/strategies (only one is deployed on the site)
- Monte Carlo (main): Uses monte carlo tree search to simulate future outcomes and selects decision with highest chance of success
- Markov Chains: Calculates probability of landing on every possible property via Markov Chain steady states and buys properties with best expected value
- Basic Human: Probability of buying a property is a linear function of how close it is to Boardwalk, similar to how regular people play.
- Frontend built using Javascript/CSS/HTML, animations and designs from scratch
- Backend powered using Django, which communicates with player via REST API
- Player Strategies implemented in Python
- backend/ Implementation of AI player and randomized player that simulate X games against each other
- backend/ Implementation of AI player that plays against humans via REST API
- "app.js": Contains front-end game mechanics, design and animations.
- "index.html/style.css": Contains base HTML/CSS code, nothing special
- log.txt: Update logs of the AI player playing against a randomized player. Describes the moves each of them makes until one wins
- you.png/opp.png/board.png/thumbnail: Game image files