The best Dank Memer selfbots out there are private.
Isn't it finally time to learn to code?
Slashy is an advanced Dank Memer Grinder/Farmer Selfbot. It supports all the Dank Memer commands for getting rich and bypasses anti-selfbot measures with intelligent solutions.
- User-friendly GUI for easy configuration, live stats & extensive logs
- Supports running unlimited accounts
- Completely undetectable
- Supports a broad list of commands;
, &trivia
- Automatically solves captchas (including trick ones)
- Takes random breaks to avoid suspicion
- Allows you to transfer items through serverpools automatically
- Automatically buys tools & reads alerts
- Automatically plays minigames
- Ability to auto-use customizable items
- Automatically updates
- Easily customizable
- Auto Pet Care
- Auto Farm
- Auto Scratch
note: join our discord server to beta test!
- Download NodeJS
- Run the following commands in your shell/console:
git clone
cd slashy
npm i
- Now enter the correct values in config.json.
To start the selfbot, run the following command in your shell/console:
node .
- Go to:
- In your new repl, Create a so-called "secret", and name it "config", now, put your filled in config.json in it.
Whether you want to run Slashy in a specific channel or in DMs, you're going to need to use tokens.txt for your tokens.
For Replit, you can create a secret called tokens
and put your tokens there.
- The format for this is either:
channelId1 token1 // Use a single space to seperate the two values
channelId2 token2
"playInDms": true, // Whether to grind in Dank Memer's DMs or not
"discordStatus": "invisible", // The discord status of all accounts. Either "online", "idle", "dnd" (do not disturb), or "invisible".
"password": "password", // The password needed to access your GUI
"loginDelay": 1500, // The delay in between logging into accounts
"commands": [
"command": "beg", // the command
"cooldown": 50000 // the cooldown of the command
"command": "fish",
"cooldown": 40000
"command": "hunt",
"cooldown": 40000
"command": "search",
"cooldown": 30000
"command": "dig",
"cooldown": 40000
"command": "crime",
"cooldown": 50000
"command": "highlow",
"cooldown": 30000
"command": "postmemes",
"cooldown": 30000
"command": "stream",
"cooldown": 350000
"autoUpdate": false, // Whether to automatically update
"autoAdventure": true, // Whether to play adventure
"adventure": "west", // The adventure to play; either 'space', 'west', 'vacation', or 'brazil'.
"autoApple": true, // Whether to use or not to use apples automatically
"autoDaily": true, // Whether to automatically claim your daily rewards
"autoHorseShoe": true, // Whether to use or not to use horseshoes automatically
"postMemesPlatforms": ["tiktok", "facebook"], // Preferred postmemes platforms
"streamGame": "", // Preferred streaming game. Defaults to random.
"devMode": false, // Whether to use or not to use developer mode.
"webhookLogging": false, // Whether to log through webhooks or not
"webhook": "", // Webhook link
"autoVote": true, // Whether to autovote on Discord Bot List (not since captcha)
"triviaOdds": 0.95, // Odds for trivia to be successful
"autoDeposit": true, // Whether to automatically deposit to your bank or not
"autoFishingBait": false, // Whether to automatically use the Fishing Bait item
"autoAmmo": false, // Whether to automatically use the Ammo item
"searchLocations": [], // Locations to search in
"crimeLocations": [], // Locations to commit crimes in
"autoBuy": true, // Whether to autobuy tools or not
"serverEventsDonate": {
"enabled": false, // Whether to donate or not
"blacklist": [ // Items you want to blacklist from being donated
"Lucky Horseshoe",
"Hunting Rifle",
"Fishing Pole",
"Trivia Trophy",
"Adventure Ticket",
"Birthday Cake",
"Pink Plastic Bits"
"mainUserId": "userid", // The user ID of the main account (to pay out coins/items)
"payoutOnlyMode": false, // Only payout coins/items
"tokenWhichWillPayout": "token of an alt", // The token who pays out the coins to your main
"payoutChannelID": "channel id to payout", // The channel to payout in.
"payout":true // If you should payout, set FALSE to just donate.
"cooldowns": {
"buttonClickDelay": {
"minDelay": 500, // Minimum delay
"maxDelay": 700 // Maximum delay
"triviaCooldown": {
"minDelay": 800,
"maxDelay": 1250
"shortBreak": {
"minDelay": 45000,
"maxDelay": 75000,
"frequency": 0.0075 // Frequency of going on break
"longBreak": {
"minDelay": 125000,
"maxDelay": 175000,
"frequency": 0.00025 // Frequency of going on break
"commandInterval": {
"minDelay": 1500,
"maxDelay": 3000
Pull requests & suggestions are always welcome! For major changes, please open an issue/DM us on Discord first to discuss what you would like to change and to what extend.