Run the following commands to set up the virtual environment, populate the database and start the server:
poetry install
poetry shell
python makemigrations
python migrate
python loaddata db.json
python runserver
- Go to
- Use the provided interface (<< Previous | Next >>) to retrieve new pages.
- You can directly access the timing results from the Django Debug Toolbar on the left side.
- Go to for the GraphiQL interface.
- Copy the query from <this_project_directory>/components/ and paste it into the GraphiQL interface.
- You can directly access the timing results from the Django Debug Toolbar on the left side.
Alternatively, you can run:
python test --keepdb
which is surprisingly faster by roughly a factor of 2 compared to the GraphiQL interface.
You can directly access the timing results from the Django Debug Toolbar on the left side.
- REST endpoint: Approx. 500-700 milliseconds per 100 items page.
- GraphiQL interface: Approx. 18 seconds for 100 items.
- Direct GraphQL query of the schema via test: Approx. 7 seconds for 100 items.