Treat-shopper is an application that allows users to purchase candy. In the all candies page, a user can view the entire inventory, or use the filter to filter by a specific category of candy (chocolate, sour, chewy).
Each product can be clicked on to display additional information about the product. A product can be added to the cart using the ‘Add to Cart’ button. In the cart, users can increment, decrement or remove products, and the checkout process can be completed.
If a guest user has added products to their cart and wishes to check out, they will be prompted to log in to complete the checkout process. When a guest user logs in or signs up, their cart will persist. Logged in users have access to their profile page, in which they can view and edit their contact information.
Admin users have access to the Admin Page, which allows them to view all users and add, remove and update products.
Passport and Google OAuth 2.0 API We were able to implement the modular Passport strategy for authenticating Google users. Any guest with a valid Google account can easily sign in and checkout on our e-commerce website. We chose Passport.js for a few reasons: it is lightweight, supports our need of persistent sessions, and also gives us the ability to customize our authentication requests in the future.
We chose the Stripe API as our third-party payment processor as it has an excellent set of developer tools, a simple and minimalistic user interface, and security of payment information.
Fork and or clone this repository to your local machine.
Open project directory and run the psql command createdb treat-shopper.
This will create the PostgreSQL database used to store product and user information.
Run npm run start-dev.
This will start the server for our application in development mode.
On a seperate terminal, and while the server is still running, run
npm run seed.
This will seed the treat-shopper database with some dummy user and product information found in /script/seed.js.
Visit http://localhost:8080/ to view and interact with the application.
NOTE: Google authentication WILL NOT work with our secrets.js file. For security reasons, we have kept this file off of Github.
Treat Shopper was built using the PERN stack (PostgreSQL, Express.js, React.js, Node.js)
Front-end: React.js for UI Redux.js for state management Bootstrap for styling/design
Back-end: Express.js for creating RESTful API PostgreSQL for a relational database Sequelize.js ORM for interacting with database Node.js for server
Thomas Zhang
Rana Quadri
Erick Canals