The implementation of CoEP model.
To run future event generation experiment, follow there instructions:
Prepare pre-trained models.
The key components of Inference Model (IM) and Generation Model (GM) are inherited from a pre-trained BART model. It can be downloaded from Or you can just use the code in the following to initialize the modules:
from transformers import BartTokenizer, BartModel
tokenizer = BartTokenizer.from_pretrained('facebook/bart-base')
model = BartModel.from_pretrained('facebook/bart-base')
pytorch == 1.7.1
transformers = 4.2.1
Run the script to train IM with the additional CLS HEAD on ATOMIC and do evaluations
python --data_name v4_atomic --add_cls
Run the script to train GM on sequential ConceptNet and do evaluations
python --data_name conceptnet_seq
Test the fine-tuned model by running the following script
python --data_name v4_atomic/conceptnet_seq --resume_path MODEL_PATH --resume_epoch MODEL_ITER
Run the following script to train CoEP on fine-tuned IM and GM
python --load_kg_model_with_cls --pretrain_GM --data_name event_story
Run the script to test the performance of future event generation on CommonEvent
python --data_name event_story --train_data event_story --resume_path MODEL_PATH --resume_epoch MODEL_ITER
Run the script to interavtive input context and event in the terminal and generate future events