This is an Open Source Hardware USB to CAN-FD Interface. The design goal of this PCB was to provide two isolated CAN-FD channels capable of 8MBit/s for the data phase.
The PCBs D5035-01-xx are based on the ATSAME51J microcontroller from Microchip. Any ATSAME51J1x-Axx can be used, so every variant in TQFP-64, the bootloader and the firmware work on all three memory sizes.
This is WIP, the first five Revisions are up and running.
New for D5035-01-05: switched from a crystal to an oscillator to reduce the drift in the timestamps.
The PCB D5035-03-01 is designed as a carrier board for the Teensy 4.0. This is more a prove of concept, a child of the current chip-shortage.
And it works, but it turned out to be rather fidgety to access the pins for the single CAN-FD available and the case does not work well for this version.
There is an idea for a PCB with a different controller but unfortunately these are not available anywhere, so this got pushed back.
A variant for LIN is in planning phase. A board with 100Base-T1 or 10Base-T1S is also something we think about.
The open source firmware for this project is here:
An open source Windows application that works with this interface is here: