This repository contains all university projects (Aueb) .
It's nothing more than all of the code/projects I've worked on. (2017-2021)
I am doing this just because when I finish uni I want to see what I did learn from university and if it was useful. Apart from that, this repo may be helpful to somebody who starts studying CS at AUEB because he/she can take a look at our code. If you like what you see leave a star 🌟
As said above, this repository may help students at university of aueb to expand their knowledge by seeing others code. You can contrubute by making a pull request in which you are going to write your thoughts/ideas, tools that you used that helped you finish your projects. Not to mention, if you contribute your name will be added in the contributors section right below.
Neither contributors nor me are rensponsible if you copy any project and you get caught.