Welcome to the Wi-Fi LED Message Display project! This project uses an ESP8266 module and an MD_MAX72xx LED Matrix to create a dynamic display that you can control via your web browser. It's perfect for displaying messages in your home, office, or any event where you want to broadcast information wirelessly.
Features Wi-Fi Connectivity: Control the display from any device connected to the same network. Customizable Scrolling Messages: Send messages to scroll across the LED matrix. Easy Web Interface: A simple HTML form to send your messages. Visual Indicators: Includes LED indicators for power and Wi-Fi status. Prerequisites Before you get started, ensure you have the following:
Arduino IDE installed on your computer Basic knowledge of electronics and programming with Arduino Necessary components: ESP8266 module MD_MAX72xx LED Matrix Breadboard and jump wires USB cable LEDs and resistors Hardware Setup ESP8266 Connections:
VCC to 3.3V GND to Ground CH_PD to 3.3V MD_MAX72xx LED Matrix:
CS to D8 DIN to D7 CLK to D5 VCC to 3.3V GND to Ground LEDs:
Red LED to D1 Blue LED to D2 Note: Double-check all connections to avoid any damage to the components.
Software Setup Library Installation:
Open Arduino IDE, go to Sketch -> Include Library -> Manage Libraries. Install the following libraries: ESP8266WiFi MD_MAX72xx Adafruit GFX Library Loading the Sketch:
Copy the provided Arduino sketch into your Arduino IDE. Connect the ESP8266 to your computer via the USB cable. Select the correct board and port under the Tools menu. Click Upload. Usage Once the sketch is uploaded and the hardware is set up:
Connect the ESP8266 to a power supply. Open a web browser and enter the IP address of the ESP8266. Use the web form to type your message and hit send. Your message will now scroll across the LED matrix display. Contributing Contributions to this project are welcome! Feel free to fork the repository and submit pull requests. You can also open issues for bugs or feature requests.
License This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
Acknowledgements Thanks to the Arduino and ESP8266 community for the invaluable resources and libraries. Special thanks to everyone who contributed to testing and providing feedback for this project.