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Nvidia Deepstream SDK to perform 3D depth perception in video streaming pipeline using AI models and binary interface communication protocol between camera and application.

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deepstream-3d-depth-camera is an example to demonstrate depth and color images captured from realsense camera(DS435), then deepstream pipeline taken over the data for further processing.

Table of contents

  1. Generate Docs
  2. Overview
  3. Run
  4. Reference

Generate Docs

  • install and setup on local machine
# install apt library
sudo apt-get install -y doxygen

# create directory for docs t live in (update `Doxyfile`)
mkdir docs

# generate docs
  • view in your browser
# view in your browser by copy/pasting this filepath
echo `pwd`/docs/html/index.html


1. Application Config files

There are 2 pipeline for tests.

a) ds_3d_realsense_depth_capture_render.yaml

  • From depth and color images capture to 2D rendering pipeline

2D render

b) ds_3d_realsense_depth_to_point_cloud.yaml

  • From depth and color images capture, 3D points/color conversions, to 3D point-cloud rendering pipeline

3D PointCloud

2. Config Files Explained

A single configuration file is deployed for the whole pipelines. All components are updated in same config file. These components are set up by different type

  • type: ds3d::dataloader: load data source component (load from camera and ingest into pipeline).

  • type: ds3d::datafilter: load data filter component (process data).

  • type: ds3d::datarender: load data sink/render component (display to screen).

  • type: ds3d::userapp: application user-defined components (used for debugging and dumping data).

Each component is loaded through custom_lib_path, created through custom_create_function. The deepstream pipeline manages the life cycle of each component.

The processing pipeline could be ...

dataloader -> datafilter -> datarender

All of them are custom libs and connected by Deepstream Gstreamer pipelines.


  • is created by explicit call of NvDs3D_CreateDataLoaderSrc.
  • During this API call, the custom_lib_path is loaded and a specific data loader is created by custom_create_function.
  • Meanwhile, GstAppsrc is created and starts managing ds3d::dataloader dataflows.
  • Component ds3d::dataloader could be started by gst-pipeline automatically or by application call dataloader->start() manually.
  • It is configured by YAML format with datatype: ds3d::dataloader.


  • is loaded through DeepStream Gst-plugin nvds3dfilter.
  • It is started by gst_element_set_state(GST_STATE_READY).
  • During this API call, the custom_lib_path is loaded and a specific data render is created by custom_create_function.
  • It is configured by YAML format with datatype: ds3d::datafilter.
  • Gst-plugin nvds3dfilter have properties config-content and config-file.
  • One of them must be set to create a datafilter object.


  • is created by explicit call of NvDs3D_CreateDataRenderSink.
  • During this API call, the custom_lib_path is loaded and a specific data render is created by custom_create_function.
  • Meanwhile, GstAppsink is created and starts managing ds3d::datarender dataflows.
  • Component ds3d::datarender could be started by gst-pipeline automatically or by application call datarender->start() function manually.
  • It is configured by YAML format with datatype: ds3d::datarender.

Inside the configuration files, in_caps and out_caps correspond to Gstreamer's sink_caps and src_caps.


To run depth tests there are two options:

  • 2D tests
  • 3D tests

2D tests

  • Run 2D depth capture and render pipeline:
  • update .env with CONFIG_FILE="example_point_cloud.yaml"
$ make run
  • below we explain the configurations for src/configs/example_render.yaml

\include example_render.yaml

  • This pipeline set up a realsense dataloader (ds3d::dataloader)
type: 3d::dataloader
custom_create_function: createRealsenseDataloader
  • Then streams ds3d/datamap to final rendering component (ds3d::depth-render)
type: 3d::datarender
custom_create_function: createDepthStreamDataRender
  • The depth-render shall display the depth data and color data together in same window.
  • Update min_depth/max_depth to remove foreground and background objects in depth rendering.
  • Update min_depth_color/min_depth_color [R, G, B] values to visualize color map of depth.

3D tests

  • Run 3D tests for depth capture, 3D points conversion, and 3D point-cloud rendering.
  • update .env with CONFIG_FILE="example_point_cloud.yaml"
$ make run 
  • below we explain the configurations from src/configs/example_point_cloud.yaml

\include example_point_cloud.yaml

  • This pipeline set up a realsense dataloader(same as 2D depth). Then streams ds3d/datamap to downstream ds3d::datafilter component point2cloud_datafilter,
type: 3d::datafilter
custom_create_function: createDepth2PointFilter
  • The filter could align the color image with depth image, and converts depth&color into 3d pointXYZ and pointCoordUV frames.
  • Depth & color camera intrinsic & extrinsinc parameters are set by realsense_dataloader. They are inside ds3d/datamap. User can also get these parameters from GuardDataMap.
  • Finally, deliver ds3d/datamap to datarender component point-render for rendering.
type: 3d::datarender
custom_create_function: createPointCloudDataRender
  • Fields of view_* is the eye of view positon. similarly as OpenGL gluLookAt().

  • Fields of near/far/fov is the perspective range of the eye, similarly as OpenGL gluPerspective()

  • To quit application: 'CTRL + C' or close the window to quit.

  • To get frames and structure from datamap, please refer to appsrcBufferProbe and appsinkBufferProbe. Suppose user has already a datamap from GstBuffer.

GuardDataMap dataMap;
  • To get depth frame, user could
Frame2DGuard depthFrame;
dataMap.getGuardData(kDepthFrame, depthFrame)
  • To get depth scale units,
DepthScale scale;
dataMap.getData(kDepthScaleUnit, scale);
  • To get color frame, user could
Frame2DGuard colorFrame;
dataMap.getGuardData(kColorFrame, colorFrame);
  • To get 3D points(XYZ based)
FrameGuard pointFrame;
dataMap.getGuardData(kPointXYZ, pointFrame);
  • To get 3D points UV coordinates in color image
FrameGuard colorCoord;
dataMap.getGuardData(kPointCoordUV, colorCoord);
  • To get depth and color intrinsic and depth2color extrinsic parameters.
IntrinsicsParam depthIntrinsics;
IntrinsicsParam colorIntrinsics;
ExtrinsicsParam d2cExtrinsics;
datamap.getData(kDepthIntrinsics, depthIntrinsics);
datamap.getData(kColorIntrinsics, colorIntrinsics);
datamap.getData(kDepth2ColorExtrinsics, d2cExtrinsics);



Nvidia Deepstream SDK to perform 3D depth perception in video streaming pipeline using AI models and binary interface communication protocol between camera and application.







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