Releases: StrongerProgrammer7/InformationSecuritySimple
InformSecSimpImplem v1.0
# InformationSecuritySimpleImplementation
The repository has ciphers:
This repository include only encryption AES (decrypt is on you, inv Subbytes ,MixColumns already included)
Source code and tutorial movie from author: Creel Jam movie AES Encryption ------- Decrypt AES movie (other author)
Advanced Encryption Standard-------Rijndael S-box -------Rijndael MixColumns -----AES key schedule
Almost all tables
Implementation other author with description 1
Implementation other author with description #2
Implementation other author with description #3(Russian language)
Documentation (Google Drive)
Source code and tutorial movie from author: Sofia Flynn
Coding RSA Encryption and Decryption
Coding RSA Key Generation
My implementation using Boost!
Source code from author: REZISTENZ!
Algorithm El-Gamal (Russian language) 2012
Demo El Gamal encryption with large number
My implementation using Boost!
RU GOST 34.11-2012 Stribog
Source code and description(Russian language) from author: Евгений Дроботун!
Stribog C
Source code and description(Russian language) from author: Алексей @NeverWalkAloner
Stribog C#(
RU GOST 34.10-2018 Sign
Source code and description(Russian language) from author: Алексей @NeverWalkAloner
GOST 34.10-2018 C#(
Theory (author : ANDREA CORBELLINI
Documentation (Google Drive)
My implementation using Boost!
Common Documentation (Google Drive)