#Packaging (Not mandatory)
You can directly use a release (https://github.com/Stratehm/stratum-proxy/releases) and go to the Installation and Usage section.
The packaging of the application is done through Maven and will generate a ZIP which contains the program and all its dependencies.
The proxy is is generated as a JAR file called stratum-proxy.jar (contained in the ZIP file) which can be launched on any platform with a JVM installed with version >= 7 (Java Virtual Machine)
To build the package, you must have a JDK installed in version >= 7 and maven 3
Advice: It is highly recommended to install NodeJS before building the package. It will speed up the Javascript Optimization phase. If not installed, the packing will still work but may be really long (since the Javascript Optimization phase will use the Java Rhino Javascript Engine which is slower). If NodeJS is not installed, set the MAVEN_OPTS environment variable before packaging with the following parameters: -Xmx512M -Xss2M
On Windows:
cd /directory/which/contain/pom.xmlFileOfTheProject
mvn clean package
On Linux:
cd /directory/which/contain/pom.xmlFileOfTheProject
mvn clean package
The package is then present in the "target" directory.
#Installation and Usage
The latest JVM (Java Virtual Machine) can be downloaded here: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jre8-downloads-2133155.html Install the JVM for your operating system (if not already done)
Then unzip the zip file in a directory and launch the proxy through the following command line:
java -jar stratum-proxy.jar proxyOptions
java -jar stratum-proxy.jar --help
##Raspberry Pi Installation (Raspbian) Once your OS is setup on the Raspberry Pi (Raspbian), perform the following (replace the version number with the last available: https://github.com/Stratehm/stratum-proxy/releases):
Install JDK and Screen onto the Raspberry Pi
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-jdk screen
Download stratum-proxy to the /opt folder
cd /opt
sudo wget https://github.com/Stratehm/stratum-proxy/releases/download/x.x.x/stratum-proxy-x.x.x.zip
Unzip the stratum-proxy zip
sudo unzip stratum-proxy-x.x.x.zip
sudo rm -rf stratum-proxy-x.x.x.zip
sudo mv /opt/stratum-proxy-x.x.x /opt/stratum-proxy
cd /opt/stratum-proxy
Configure the proxy by creating/editing the file
Test the stratum-proxy by running it
sudo java -jar stratum-proxy.jar
Set it to automatically start-up, in a seperate screen, by adding the following line to the file
sudo /usr/bin/screen -dmS proxy /usr/bin/java -jar /opt/stratum-proxy/stratum-proxy.jar -f /opt/stratum-proxy/stratum-proxy.conf
##Configuration File
In order to use a configuration file instead of the command line parameters, use the following command line options:
java -jar stratum-proxy.jar -f /path/to/the/configuration/file
When -f option is used, all other command line options are discarded and only the configuration file is used.
The files stratum-proxy-minimal-sample.conf and stratum-proxy-full-sample.conf in the package can be used to build your own configuration file.
A WebClient is available at the address: (The port can be changed with --rest-listen-port or apiListenAddress of configuration file).
##API Details
An API is available. Methods parameters or result are in JSON. By default, the methods can be accessed at the URL http://hostIp:8888/proxy/.
The Content-Type of HTTP requests has to be application/json, else a 415 Unsupported Media Type error may be returned.
Here after is the API methods description:
Api Version: 1.0
API to manage the proxy
Ban the given ip address.
- body
Parameter | Required | Description | Data Type |
body | false | AddressDTO |
Status Code | Reason | Response Model |
Kick all connections with the given address.
- body
Parameter | Required | Description | Data Type |
body | false | AddressDTO |
Status Code | Reason | Response Model |
List all banned users.
Status Code | Reason | Response Model |
Unban the given ip address.
- body
Parameter | Required | Description | Data Type |
body | false | AddressDTO |
Status Code | Reason | Response Model |
Kill the connection with the given address and port.
- body
Parameter | Required | Description | Data Type |
body | false | ConnectionIdentifierDTO |
Status Code | Reason | Response Model |
Return the list of all pools.
Status Code | Reason | Response Model |
Add a pool.
- body
Parameter | Required | Description | Data Type |
body | false | AddPoolDTO |
Status Code | Reason | Response Model |
500 | Failed to add the pool. | StatusDTO |
500 | Pool added but not started. | StatusDTO |
Remove a pool.
- body
Parameter | Required | Description | Data Type |
body | false | RemovePoolDTO |
Status Code | Reason | Response Model |
404 | Pool not found. | StatusDTO |
Disable a pool.
- body
Parameter | Required | Description | Data Type |
body | false | PoolNameDTO |
Status Code | Reason | Response Model |
500 | Failed to start the pool. | StatusDTO |
404 | Pool not found. | StatusDTO |
Enable a pool.
- body
Parameter | Required | Description | Data Type |
body | false | PoolNameDTO |
Status Code | Reason | Response Model |
404 | Pool not found. | StatusDTO |
500 | Failed to start the pool. | StatusDTO |
Change the priority of a pool.
- body
Parameter | Required | Description | Data Type |
body | false | ChangePriorityDTO |
Status Code | Reason | Response Model |
404 | Pool not found. | StatusDTO |
400 | Bad parameter sent. | StatusDTO |
Update a pool.
- body
Parameter | Required | Description | Data Type |
body | false | UpdatePoolDTO |
Status Code | Reason | Response Model |
500 | Failed to update the pool. | StatusDTO |
400 | Bad parameter sent. | StatusDTO |
404 | Pool not found. | StatusDTO |
Change the log level.
- body
Parameter | Required | Description | Data Type |
body | false | LogLevelDTO |
Status Code | Reason | Response Model |
400 | Log level not known. | StatusDTO |
Return the log level.
Status Code | Reason | Response Model |
Return log message since the given timestamp.
- body
Parameter | Required | Description | Data Type |
body | false | TimestampDTO |
Status Code | Reason | Response Model |
400 | Timestamp is empty. | - |
Return the version of the proxy.
Status Code | Reason | Response Model |
Return a summary of the current state of the proxy.
Status Code | Reason | Response Model |
Unban a user.
- body
Parameter | Required | Description | Data Type |
body | false | UserNameDTO |
Status Code | Reason | Response Model |
Ban the given username until the proxy restart. The user will not be authorized to reconnect.
- body
Parameter | Required | Description | Data Type |
body | false | UserNameDTO |
Status Code | Reason | Response Model |
Kick the given username. Kill all connections where the user has been seen (WARN: this may kill connections supporting other users)
- body
Parameter | Required | Description | Data Type |
body | false | UserNameDTO |
Status Code | Reason | Response Model |
Get the list of users that has been connected at least once since the proxy is started.
Status Code | Reason | Response Model |
Return the hashrate history of a pool.
- query
Parameter | Required | Description | Data Type |
start | false | Allow to filter returned values on the given start timestamp (UTC from Epoch in seconds) | long |
end | false | Allow to filter returned values on the given end timestamp (UTC from Epoch in seconds) | long |
Parameter | Required | Description | Data Type |
body | false | PoolNameDTO |
Status Code | Reason | Response Model |
500 | Error during pool hashrate history response build. | - |
404 | Pool not found. | - |
Return the hashrate history of a user.
- query
Parameter | Required | Description | Data Type |
start | false | Allow to filter returned values on the given start timestamp (UTC from Epoch in seconds) | long |
end | false | Allow to filter returned values on the given end timestamp (UTC from Epoch in seconds) | long |
Parameter | Required | Description | Data Type |
body | false | UserNameDTO |
Status Code | Reason | Response Model |
List all banned addresses.
- body
Parameter | Required | Description | Data Type |
body | false | AddressDTO |
Status Code | Reason | Response Model |
Return the list of all worker connections.
Status Code | Reason | Response Model |
name | type | description |
username | string | - |
poolHost | string | - |
poolName | string | - |
workerNameSeparator | string | - |
appendWorkerNames | boolean | - |
isEnabled | boolean | - |
weight | int | - |
useWorkerPassword | boolean | - |
enableExtranonceSubscribe | boolean | - |
priority | int | - |
password | string | - |
name | type | description |
address | string | - |
name | type | description |
poolName | string | - |
priority | int | - |
name | type | description |
address | string | - |
port | int | - |
name | type | description |
acceptedHashrate | long | - |
rejectedHashrate | long | - |
name | string | - |
captureTime | long | - |
name | type | description |
message | string | - |
timestamp | long | - |
name | type | description |
logLevel | string | - |
name | type | description |
lastStopCause | string | - |
extranonce2Size | int | - |
username | string | - |
numberOfWorkerConnections | int | - |
lastPoolMessage | string | - |
isActiveSince | long | - |
appendWorkerNames | boolean | - |
rejectedHashesPerSeconds | long | - |
isReadySince | long | - |
isReady | boolean | - |
isEnabled | boolean | - |
acceptedHashesPerSeconds | long | - |
weight | int | - |
rejectedDifficulty | double | - |
difficulty | string | - |
isActive | boolean | - |
isExtranonceSubscribeEnabled | boolean | - |
useWorkerPassword | boolean | - |
workerNamesSeparator | string | - |
workerExtranonce2Size | int | - |
host | string | - |
name | string | - |
extranonce1 | string | - |
password | string | - |
priority | int | - |
lastStopDate | long | - |
isStable | boolean | - |
numberOfDisconnections | int | - |
acceptedDifficulty | double | - |
uptime | long | - |
name | type | description |
poolName | string | - |
name | type | description |
fullName | string | - |
proxyVersion | string | - |
name | type | description |
poolName | string | - |
keepHistory | boolean | - |
name | type | description |
message | string | - |
status | string | - |
name | type | description |
poolUptime | long | - |
acceptedHashrate | long | - |
hashrate | long | - |
rejectedHashrate | long | - |
currentPoolName | string | - |
totalErrors | int | - |
name | type | description |
timestamp | long | - |
name | type | description |
username | string | - |
appendWorkerNames | boolean | - |
weight | int | - |
useWorkerPassword | boolean | - |
workerNamesSeparator | string | - |
isExtranonceSubscribeEnabled | boolean | - |
host | string | - |
name | string | - |
priority | int | - |
password | string | - |
name | type | description |
rejectedHashesPerSeconds | long | - |
firstConnectionDate | long | - |
acceptedHashesPerSeconds | long | - |
rejectedDifficulty | double | - |
lastShareSubmitted | long | - |
name | string | - |
acceptedShareNumber | long | - |
connections | Array[WorkerConnectionDTO] | - |
rejectedShareNumber | long | - |
acceptedDifficulty | double | - |
name | type | description |
username | string | - |
name | type | description |
poolName | string | - |
isActiveSince | long | - |
rejectedHashesPerSeconds | long | - |
remotePort | string | - |
acceptedHashesPerSeconds | long | - |
connectionType | string | - |
workerVersion | string | - |
isExtranonceNotificationSupported | boolean | - |
authorizedUsers | Array[string] | - |
remoteHost | string | - |
Of course, if you want make a little donation, you are welcome :)
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