0.26.1 Various minor enhancements + survey
New Survey introduced this version, which will not pop up again after hitting don't show or after opening the survey just once
We would appreciate it if you could give us some feedback on how we are doing!
- Language updates as always! thankyou all!
- change to Pdf.js-Legacy to support older chrome versions @Ludy87
- Odd-Even operation mode for organise feature (thanks @Skillkiller )
Bug fixes
- contextPath issue fixes for root uri changes like /pdf etc @Ludy87
- PDF to image producing incorrect single image results if pages are different oriantations/sizes (thanks @Skillkiller )
What's Changed
- Update messages_ar_AR.properties by @wahab95 in #1430
- change to Pdf.js-Legacy Version 4.3.136 by @Ludy87 in #1444
- Update messages_zh_TW.properties: Translate English sentence to Chinese by @WorldOfWheat in #1438
- Bugfix: missing contextPath by @Ludy87 in #1434
- 📝 Update README: Translation Progress Table by @github-actions in #1431
- survey by @Frooodle in #1446
- 📝 Update README: Translation Progress Table by @github-actions in #1447
- Add Odd-Even Merge operation mode by @Skillkiller in #1445
- When converting PDF to Word, add parameters to speed up soffice startup by @HHHHHMMMM in #1450
- Add missing of Ukrainian translation to the resource file by @anroypaul in #1448
- Update messages_it_IT.properties by @albanobattistella in #1454
- Update messages_ja_JP.properties by @tkymmm in #1457
- [ImgBot] Optimize images by @imgbot in #1455
- Fixed a spelling mistake in French by @bistory in #1459
- PDF-to-Image different page formats fix by @Skillkiller in #1460
- 💾 Update Version by @github-actions in #1461
New Contributors
- @WorldOfWheat made their first contribution in #1438
- @Skillkiller made their first contribution in #1445
- @HHHHHMMMM made their first contribution in #1450
- @anroypaul made their first contribution in #1448
- @bistory made their first contribution in #1459
Full Changelog: v0.26.0...v0.26.1