A browser extension for Gotify
You must configure your server CORS to allow the extension to make requests, like so: In your config.yml
- "chrome-extension://defcailckfpgaigaiijligpnjipkhhmg"
- "GET"
- "POST"
- "Authorization"
- "content-type"
allowedorigins: # allowed origins for websocket connections (same origin is always allowed, default only same origin)
- "defcailckfpgaigaiijligpnjipkhhmg"
Or, in your docker-compose.yml
GOTIFY_SERVER_CORS_ALLOWORIGINS: "- \"chrome-extension://defcailckfpgaigaiijligpnjipkhhmg\""
GOTIFY_SERVER_CORS_ALLOWHEADERS: "- \"Authorization\"\n- \"content-type\""
GOTIFY_SERVER_STREAM_ALLOWEDORIGINS: "- \"defcailckfpgaigaiijligpnjipkhhmg\""
Note: if you are using firefox, the origin of the extension changes per-installation. This means that your installation will be unique per-device.
See: #44
Or you could just set the Access-Control-Allow-Origin
to "*"
and the stream allowed origin
to ".*"
if you're real yolo about that kind of stuff.
More info can be found here: https://gotify.net/docs/config
- Docker/docker-compose
First, fire up the docker stack.
cd gotify_dev && docker-compose up
This might take a while because npm install
is running
Next, navigate your browser to chrome://extensions
and toggle Developer mode
Then, click Load unpacked
and load up the dist/gotify-ext
folder. (this will only work if you have run the initial build earlier)
Next, navigate your browser to about:debugging
Then, click Load Temporary Add-on...
and load up the dist/gotify-ext/manifest.json
folder. (this will only work if you have run the initial build earlier)
If you have both the production gotify extension and are developing, you can tell the difference as the development version has this little notification when you open the popup:
You can now add your local docker gotify server to your dev extension with a url of http://localhost:8000
, and the username and password both being admin
You should be all set. I recommend using the Gotify cli to test pushing messages to your dev server.
In the root of the project, run npm run prod
and it will create the necessary zip file for distribution using the most recent git tag as the version.
The git tag should be updated using the npm version command.
Logo is from https://github.com/gotify/logo