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Plotting performance profiles in python

Python implementation of Massimiliano Fasi's Performance profiler, soon to appear at:

Similar to Sam Relton's perfprof but requires less memory:

Makes a performance profile [1] of the M-by-N array A, where A(i,j) > 0 measures the performance of the j-th algorithm on the i-th problem. Smaller values of A(i,j) denoting a "better" result. For each algorithm theta is plotted against the probability that the algorithm is within a factor theta of the best algorithm over all problems, for theta on the interval [1, th_max]. Set A(i,j) = NaN if algorithm j failed to solve problem i.

Performance profiles easily allow us to compare relative errors of multiple algrithms over a large set of test problems. The x-axis represents a tolerance and the y-axis represents a percentage of test problems. If the line representing algorithm A passes through the point (2, 0.5) then Algorithm A peformed within a factor of 2 of the smallest observed value on 50% of the test problems.


A - numpy array Array of timings/errors to construct performance profile. The rows correspond to different test cases whereas the columns correspond to different algorithms.

th_max - float Maximum value of theta shown on x-axis. Defaults to the smallest value of theta for which all probabilities are 1 (modulo any NaN entries of A).

file_name - string Name of the perfomance plot. By default, file_name=perfprof.pdf'. Ensure you specify file extension. Can include relative path if necessary.

alg_legend - list(string) List of strings. One for each algorithm name for legend.

n_intervals - int Number of theta values.

linewidth - float Thickness of lines in plot.

markersize - float Size of markers in plot.

markevery - int How often marker appears on plot. Useful when n_intervals is large to prevent plot looking crowded.


Function saves figure to filename.


[1] E.D. Dolan, and J. J. More, Benchmarking Optimization Software with Performance Profiles. Math. Programming, 91:201-213, 2002.


Plotting performance profiles in python






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