A program to divine the current time zone, using whatever methods are available. There are multiple means, listed in order of preference:
- Time zone information directly from an attached, live GPS
- Querying network time zone services using geolocation information from an attached, live GPS
- Querying network geolocation services using discovered wireless networks from an attached, live radio, then using this information to query network time zone services
- Querying network time zone services using network information based on our point of network ingress (last outgoing NAT)
- Asking the user
Run nethorologist --tz to get time zone output. Run nethorologist --cc to get country code output.
"getegress" -- determine our egress address using: * whatismyip.com * ipconfig.me output: a list of ip addresses. each represents some service's concept of our globally routable source address.
"worldweatheronline" -- determine timezone based off ip address using * worldweatheronline.com output: XML IP <time_zone> 2012-09-08 03:38 -4.0 </time_zone> requires: egress IP
"ipinfodb" -- determine timezone based off ip address using * ipinfodb (http://www.ipinfodb.com/ip_location_api.php) output: XML OK US UNITED STATES GEORGIA ATLANTA 30308 33.749 -84.388 -04:00 requires: nothing http://api.ipinfodb.com/v3/ip-city/?key=<your_api_key>&ip=