Welcome to the SponsorGas Sample Application! This repository showcases practical scenarios illustrating the implementation of SponsorGas integration in various use cases. SponsorGas is a service that allows users to perform actions on the Ethereum blockchain without worrying about gas fees, courtesy of sponsors.
Each use case includes a demo link that you can follow to experience the SponsorGas platform and Pimlico infrastructure integration in action. Feel free to explore and experiment with these demos to understand how SponsorGas can simplify user blockchain interactions.
- Demo Link: Stake ETH for ETHGlobal Hackathon Demo
Users can stake ETH to participate in an upcoming event, such as an ETHGlobal hackathon, without the burden of gas fees. To participate:
- Users must fulfill certain criteria the sponsor sets (e.g., watching a video or answering a question).
- After meeting the criteria, users can stake their ETH without incurring gas fees, thanks to SponsorGas.
In this scenario, users access the "Sponsor Pay" application to send ETH. The process involves:
- Users are accessing the "Sponsor Pay" application.
- Users meeting specific criteria established by the sponsor.
- Upon successfully validating the sponsor's criteria, users can seamlessly send ETH without gas fees, courtesy of SponsorGas.
In this use case, users access the "NAVHHacker NFT" application, which is integrated with SponsorGas. The process includes:
- Users meeting specific criteria established by the sponsor.
- Upon successfully validating the sponsor's criteria, users can seamlessly mint an NFT without incurring gas fees, thanks to SponsorGas.
This use case extends the "Demo NFT" application by adding zkAccount integration, which is compatible with ERC4337. Users can:
- Access the "Demo NFT - with zkAccount" application, integrated with the Pimlico Verifying Paymaster.
- Seamlessly mint an NFT without incurring gas fees, thanks to Pimlico Verifying Paymaster.
- Uses zkAccount for the seamless session, where the user doesn't have to sign transactions for a selected session timespan.
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