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Fixed an old bug in syntax highlighting that sometimes the first line…
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… of the file was not correctly highlighted.

Added Svelte syntax highlighting support.
Improved CSS syntax highlighting.
Added "Open All Files in Folder" option when right click a folder in the folder tree view.
  • Loading branch information
SpartanJ committed Mar 9, 2025
1 parent b84080f commit ea8a44e
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Showing 11 changed files with 251 additions and 7 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions include/eepp/ui/doc/textdocument.hpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -713,6 +713,7 @@ class EE_API TextDocument {
Client* mActiveClient{ nullptr };
mutable Mutex mLoadingMutex;
mutable Mutex mLoadingFilePathMutex;
mutable Mutex mSyntaxDefinitionMutex;
size_t mLastSelection{ 0 };
std::unique_ptr<SyntaxHighlighter> mHighlighter;
Mutex mStopFlagsMutex;
Expand Down
112 changes: 112 additions & 0 deletions src/eepp/ui/doc/languages/css.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -264,6 +264,118 @@ void addCSS() {
{ "magenta", "literal" },
{ "textinputpassword", "keyword" },
{ "important", "literal" },
{ "a", "keyword" },
{ "abbr", "keyword" },
{ "address", "keyword" },
{ "area", "keyword" },
{ "article", "keyword" },
{ "aside", "keyword" },
{ "audio", "keyword" },
{ "b", "keyword" },
{ "base", "keyword" },
{ "bdi", "keyword" },
{ "bdo", "keyword" },
{ "blockquote", "keyword" },
{ "body", "keyword" },
{ "br", "keyword" },
{ "button", "keyword" },
{ "canvas", "keyword" },
{ "caption", "keyword" },
{ "cite", "keyword" },
{ "code", "keyword" },
{ "col", "keyword" },
{ "colgroup", "keyword" },
{ "data", "keyword" },
{ "datalist", "keyword" },
{ "dd", "keyword" },
{ "del", "keyword" },
{ "details", "keyword" },
{ "dfn", "keyword" },
{ "dialog", "keyword" },
{ "div", "keyword" },
{ "dl", "keyword" },
{ "dt", "keyword" },
{ "em", "keyword" },
{ "embed", "keyword" },
{ "fieldset", "keyword" },
{ "figcaption", "keyword" },
{ "figure", "keyword" },
{ "footer", "keyword" },
{ "form", "keyword" },
{ "h1", "keyword" },
{ "h2", "keyword" },
{ "h3", "keyword" },
{ "h4", "keyword" },
{ "h5", "keyword" },
{ "h6", "keyword" },
{ "head", "keyword" },
{ "header", "keyword" },
{ "hr", "keyword" },
{ "html", "keyword" },
{ "i", "keyword" },
{ "iframe", "keyword" },
{ "img", "keyword" },
{ "input", "keyword" },
{ "ins", "keyword" },
{ "kbd", "keyword" },
{ "label", "keyword" },
{ "legend", "keyword" },
{ "li", "keyword" },
{ "link", "keyword" },
{ "main", "keyword" },
{ "map", "keyword" },
{ "mark", "keyword" },
{ "menu", "keyword" },
{ "meta", "keyword" },
{ "meter", "keyword" },
{ "nav", "keyword" },
{ "noscript", "keyword" },
{ "object", "keyword" },
{ "ol", "keyword" },
{ "optgroup", "keyword" },
{ "option", "keyword" },
{ "output", "keyword" },
{ "p", "keyword" },
{ "param", "keyword" },
{ "picture", "keyword" },
{ "pre", "keyword" },
{ "progress", "keyword" },
{ "q", "keyword" },
{ "rp", "keyword" },
{ "rt", "keyword" },
{ "ruby", "keyword" },
{ "s", "keyword" },
{ "samp", "keyword" },
{ "script", "keyword" },
{ "section", "keyword" },
{ "select", "keyword" },
{ "slot", "keyword" },
{ "small", "keyword" },
{ "source", "keyword" },
{ "span", "keyword" },
{ "strong", "keyword" },
{ "style", "keyword" },
{ "sub", "keyword" },
{ "summary", "keyword" },
{ "sup", "keyword" },
{ "table", "keyword" },
{ "tbody", "keyword" },
{ "td", "keyword" },
{ "template", "keyword" },
{ "textarea", "keyword" },
{ "tfoot", "keyword" },
{ "th", "keyword" },
{ "thead", "keyword" },
{ "time", "keyword" },
{ "title", "keyword" },
{ "tr", "keyword" },
{ "track", "keyword" },
{ "u", "keyword" },
{ "ul", "keyword" },
{ "var", "keyword" },
{ "video", "keyword" },
{ "wbr", "keyword" },

{ "Widget", "keyword" },
{ "LinearLayout", "keyword" },
{ "RelativeLayout", "keyword" },
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/eepp/ui/doc/syntaxhighlighter.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -199,8 +199,8 @@ Int64 SyntaxHighlighter::getMaxWantedLine() const {

bool SyntaxHighlighter::updateDirty( int visibleLinesCount ) {
if ( visibleLinesCount <= 0 )
return 0;
if ( visibleLinesCount <= 0 || mTokenizeAsync )
return false;
if ( mFirstInvalidLine > mMaxWantedLine ) {
mMaxWantedLine = 0;
} else {
Expand Down
17 changes: 14 additions & 3 deletions src/eepp/ui/doc/textdocument.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -100,7 +100,10 @@ void TextDocument::reset() {
mLastSelection = 0;
mLines.emplace_back( String( "\n" ) );
mSyntaxDefinition = SyntaxDefinitionManager::instance()->getPlainDefinition();
Lock l( mSyntaxDefinitionMutex );
mSyntaxDefinition = SyntaxDefinitionManager::instance()->getPlainDefinition();
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -403,6 +406,7 @@ void TextDocument::mergeSelection() {

bool TextDocument::hasSyntaxDefinition() const {
Lock l( mSyntaxDefinitionMutex );
return !mSyntaxDefinition.getPatterns().empty();

Expand All @@ -414,7 +418,10 @@ const SyntaxDefinition& TextDocument::guessSyntax() const {
void TextDocument::resetSyntax() {
String header( getText( { { 0, 0 }, positionOffset( { 0, 0 }, 128 ) } ) );
std::string oldDef = mSyntaxDefinition.getLSPName();
mSyntaxDefinition = SyntaxDefinitionManager::instance()->find( mFilePath, header, mHAsCpp );
Lock l( mSyntaxDefinitionMutex );
mSyntaxDefinition = SyntaxDefinitionManager::instance()->find( mFilePath, header, mHAsCpp );
if ( mSyntaxDefinition.getLSPName() != oldDef )
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2421,12 +2428,16 @@ void TextDocument::redo() {

const SyntaxDefinition& TextDocument::getSyntaxDefinition() const {
Lock l( mSyntaxDefinitionMutex );
return mSyntaxDefinition;

void TextDocument::setSyntaxDefinition( const SyntaxDefinition& definition ) {
if ( mSyntaxDefinition.getLSPName() != definition.getLSPName() ) {
mSyntaxDefinition = definition;
Lock l( mSyntaxDefinitionMutex );
mSyntaxDefinition = definition;
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/eepp/ui/uicodeeditor.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -448,7 +448,8 @@ void UICodeEditor::scheduledUpdate( const Time& ) {
if ( !mVisible )

if ( mDoc && !mDoc->isLoading() &&
if ( mDoc && !mDoc->isLoading() && !mDoc->isEmpty() &&
!mDoc->getSyntaxDefinition().getPatterns().empty() &&
mDoc->getHighlighter()->updateDirty( getVisibleLinesCount() ) ) {
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
#include <eepp/ui/doc/languages/svelte.hpp>
#include <eepp/ui/doc/syntaxdefinitionmanager.hpp>

namespace EE { namespace UI { namespace Doc { namespace Language {

void addSvelte() {


{ "Svelte",
{ "%.svelte$" },
{ { "<%s*[sS][cC][rR][iI][pP][tT]%s+[tT][yY][pP][eE]%s*=%s*['\"]%a+/"
"<%s*/[sS][cC][rR][iI][pP][tT]>" },
"JavaScript" },
{ { "<%s*[sS][cC][rR][iI][pP][tT]%s+([lL][aA][nN][gG])%s*(=)%s*(['\"][tT][sS]['"
"<%s*/[sS][cC][rR][iI][pP][tT]>" },
{ "function", "keyword", "operator", "string" },
"TypeScript" },
{ { "<%s*[sS][cC][rR][iI][pP][tT]%s*>", "<%s*/%s*[sS][cC][rR][iI][pP][tT]>" },
"JavaScript" },
{ { "<%s*[sS][tT][yY][lL][eE][^>]*>", "<%s*/%s*[sS][tT][yY][lL][eE]%s*>" },
"CSS" },
{ { "<!%-%-", "%-%->" }, "comment" },
{ { "\"", "\"", "\\" }, "string" },
{ { "'", "'", "\\" }, "string" },
{ { "{@html[^}]*}" }, "keyword", "", true },
{ { "{@debug[^}]*}" }, "keyword", "", true },
{ { "{(:else|:then|:catch)}" },
std::vector<std::string>{ "keyword", "keyword2" },
true },
{ { "{(/if|/each|/await|/key)}" },
std::vector<std::string>{ "keyword", "keyword2" },
true },
{ { "{(#if|#each|#await|#key)", "}", "\\" },
{ "keyword", "keyword2", "normal" },
true },
{ { "{", "}", "\\" }, "keyword", "JavaScript" },
{ { "([%a_][%w_-]*)(:)([%a_][%w_-]*)(=)" },
{ "keyword", "keyword2", "normal", "keyword", "operator" } },
{ { "([%a_][%w_-]*)(=)" }, { "keyword", "keyword", "operator" } },
{ { "0x[%da-fA-F]+" }, "number" },
{ { "-?%d+[%d%.]*f?" }, "number" },
{ { "-?%.?%d+f?" }, "number" },
{ { "%f[^<][%a_][%w%_%-]*(:)([%w_-]+)" }, { "function", "normal", "keyword" } },
{ { "%f[^<]/[%a_][%w%_%-]*(:)([%w_-]+)" }, { "function", "normal", "keyword" } },
{ { "%f[^<]![%a_][%w%_%-]*" }, "keyword2" },
{ { "%f[^<][%a_][%w%_%-]*" }, "function" },
{ { "%f[^<]/[%a_][%w%_%-]*" }, "function" },
{ { "[/<>=]" }, "operator" },



} )
.setAutoCloseXMLTags( true );

}}}} // namespace EE::UI::Doc::Language
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
#ifndef EE_UI_DOC_Svelte
#define EE_UI_DOC_Svelte

namespace EE { namespace UI { namespace Doc { namespace Language {

extern void addSvelte();

}}}} // namespace EE::UI::Doc::Language

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -69,6 +69,7 @@
#include <eepp/ui/doc/languages/smallbasic.hpp>
#include <eepp/ui/doc/languages/solidity.hpp>
#include <eepp/ui/doc/languages/sql.hpp>
#include <eepp/ui/doc/languages/svelte.hpp>
#include <eepp/ui/doc/languages/swift.hpp>
#include <eepp/ui/doc/languages/tcl.hpp>
#include <eepp/ui/doc/languages/teal.hpp>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -163,6 +164,7 @@ void LanguagesSyntaxHighlighting::load() {
Expand Down
29 changes: 28 additions & 1 deletion src/tools/ecode/ecode.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2767,6 +2767,33 @@ void App::renameFile( const FileInfo& file ) {
} );

void App::openAllFilesInFolder( const FileInfo& folder ) {
auto files =
FileSystem::filesInfoGetInPath( folder.getDirectoryPath(), true, false, true,
getFileSystemModel()->getDisplayConfig().ignoreHidden );

std::vector<std::string> supportedExts(
SyntaxDefinitionManager::instance()->getExtensionsPatternsSupported() );
std::vector<LuaPatternStorage> acceptedPatterns;
acceptedPatterns.reserve( supportedExts.size() );
for ( const auto& strPattern : supportedExts )
acceptedPatterns.emplace_back( std::string{ strPattern } );

for ( const auto& file : files ) {
if ( file.isRegularFile() ) {
bool foundPattern = acceptedPatterns.empty();
for ( auto& pattern : acceptedPatterns ) {
if ( pattern.matches( file.getFilepath() ) ) {
foundPattern = true;
if ( foundPattern )
loadFileFromPath( file.getFilepath() );

void App::toggleHiddenFiles() {
mFileSystemModel = FileSystemModel::New( mFileSystemModel->getRootPath(),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3497,7 +3524,7 @@ void App::init( const LogLevel& logLevel, std::string file, const Float& pidelDe
mThreadPool->run( [this] {
// Load language definitions
Clock defClock;
SyntaxDefinitionManager::createSingleton( 107 );
SyntaxDefinitionManager::createSingleton( 108 );
mConfig.languagesExtensions.priorities );
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/tools/ecode/ecode.hpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -390,6 +390,8 @@ class App : public UICodeEditorSplitter::Client, public PluginContextProvider {

void renameFile( const FileInfo& file );

void openAllFilesInFolder( const FileInfo& folder );

UIMessageBox* newInputMsgBox( const String& title, const String& msg );

std::string getNewFilePath( const FileInfo& file, UIMessageBox* msgBox, bool keepDir = true );
Expand Down
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions src/tools/ecode/settingsmenu.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2153,6 +2153,10 @@ void SettingsMenu::createProjectTreeMenu( const FileInfo& file ) {
->add( i18n( "open_folder_ellipsis", "Open Folder..." ), findIcon( "folder-open" ) )
->setId( "open_folder" );
->add( i18n( "open_all_files_in_folder", "Open All Files in Folder" ),
findIcon( "folder-open" ) )
->setId( "open_all_files_in_folder" );
} else {
if ( file.isRegularFile() ) {
auto curDir( mApp->getCurrentWorkingDir() );
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2260,6 +2264,8 @@ void SettingsMenu::createProjectTreeMenu( const FileInfo& file ) {
Engine::instance()->openURI( file.getDirectoryPath() );
} else if ( "open_folder" == id ) {
Engine::instance()->openURI( file.getFilepath() );
} else if ( "open_all_files_in_folder" == id ) {
mApp->openAllFilesInFolder( file );
} else if ( "show-hidden-files" == id ) {
} else if ( "execute_in_terminal" == id ) {
Expand Down

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