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Releases: SourcePointUSA/ios-cmp-app


07 Jul 15:20
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6.1.3 (July, 6, 2021)

  • Fixed an issue preventing the CCPA Privacy Manager from rendering.


05 Jul 10:33
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6.1.2 (July, 5, 2021)

  • Enable the SDK to try and open URLs with schemes other than http:// or https://, deep links. If there are no applications able to handle the url scheme, the action will be ignored.


01 Jul 14:35
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6.1.1 (July, 1, 2021)

  • Fixed an issue preventing the Privacy Manager from rendering correctly when using an id of a property group PM.


01 Jul 10:21
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6.1.0 (July, 1, 2021)

  • Fixed an issue that would prevent Stage campaigns from being loaded. #317 - This fix changes the constructor of the SDK, adding a new optional parameter: campaignsEnv = .Public to it. Refer to the README for more info.


01 Jul 08:29
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6.0.4 (June, 30, 2021)

  • Added .uuid to SPGDPRConsent and SPCCPAConsent classes. #315
  • Fixed an issue that would prevent the message from rendering in the right language. #313 (Thank you @mskrischke for reporting the issue and submitting a PR to fix it).
  • Implemented several features for AppleTV - WIP.
  • Improved integration with our Unity SDK.


04 Jun 13:58
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6.0.3 (June, 04, 2021)

  • Configurable timeout. You now can configure a timeout in which either the consent message must be shown or the consent data should be returned to the app (onConsentReady) by setting the attribute .messageTimeoutInSeconds: TimeInterval. Just make sure to set it before calling loadMessage or loadPrivacyManager. #301
  • Updated Apple tracking API request. #302
  • Updated README with Configuring the Message/Consents timeout


21 May 12:16
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6.0.2 (May, 21, 2021)

  • Fixes #295 - SPUserData properties not being accessible on ObjC.


03 May 15:11
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6.0.1 (May, 3, 2021)

  • Fixed Swift Package Manager support.
  • Fixed an issue preventing the SDK from building on XCode 12.5
  • Updated README with IDFA status FAQ.


30 Apr 15:13
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  • Multi-campaign
  • ATT pre-prompt message
  • Lots and lots of performance improvements

These are only a few of the changes we are bringing to this new major version of the SDK. Are you worried it's going to be too much work to migrate from v5? We got you covered, check our Migration Guide.
For a more comprehensive explanation of how the SDK works and what you can do with it, check our beloved README.

As always, don't hesitate to reach out to us either via GitHub issues, slack or to your account manager directly. We appreciate your feedback.


22 Mar 09:01
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5.3.7-beta.2 (March, 22, 2021)

  • Added GitHub Action to upload Meta App IPA to BrowserStack.