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Releases: SourcePointUSA/ios-cmp-app


30 Apr 06:37
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7.6.8 (Apr, 30, 2024)

  • DIA-3916 Fixed an issue causing the SDK to show incorrect translations on tvOS when loading the privacy manager via loadGDPRPrivacyManager. #569


24 Apr 15:24
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7.6.7 (Apr, 24, 2024)

  • DIA-3878 Fixed an issue preventing the SDK from being integrated using SPM. #567
  • Fixed an issue causing the 1st layer message to be rendered in english even when "Use Browser Defaults" was enabled in the message builder. #568
  • Improved documentation regarding USNat statuses #566


17 Apr 18:11
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7.6.6 (Apr, 17, 2024)

  • DIA-3679 Fixed an issue affecting Objc implementations preventing USNat consent status from being accessed by the app. #559
  • DIA-3811 Fixed an issue with webview consent transferring affecting some implementations that contained consent actions in their vendor list. #563
  • DIA-2963 Fixed an issue causing the onError callback not being called in certain cases. #561
  • DIA-3817 Fixed an issue causing the SDK to error for old campaigns (where legalBasisChangeDate are not returned by the backend). #562
  • DIA-3770 Fixed a layout issue on tvOS causing html tags to be rendered. #565
  • Improved tests for legacy USPString within USNat campaigns. #564
  • Made webConsents public to better support React Native, Flutter and other bridge SDKs. #560 (thanks @finnp & @thekorn)


14 Mar 16:13
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7.6.5 (Mar, 11, 2024)

  • DIA-3691 Fixed an issue preventing the SDK from being used with Carthage. #557
  • Updated README on SPUSNatConsent #556


01 Mar 12:04
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7.6.4 (Mar, 01, 2024)

  • DIA-3558 Expanded public fields on SPUSNatConsent object. #555
-  consentStrings: []
+ consentStrings: [{ sectionId: Int, sectionName: String, consentString: String }]
+ categories: [{ id: String, consented: Bool }]
+ vendors: [{ id: String, consented: Bool }]
+ statuses: {
+     rejectedAny: Bool?,
+     consentedToAll: Bool?,
+     consentedToAny: Bool?,
+     sellStatus: Bool?,
+     shareStatus: Bool,
+     sensitiveDataStatus: Bool?,
+     gpcStatus: Bool?,
+     hasConsentData: Bool?
+   }


27 Feb 14:41
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7.6.3 (Feb, 27, 2024)


26 Feb 10:22
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7.6.2 (Feb, 26, 2024)

  • DIA-3524 Add support to legacy CCPA US Privacy String within USNat campaigns. Check this README section for more info. #549
  • DIA-3617 Fixed an issue that would prevent consent data from being migrated from older versions of the SDK (>= 6 <=7.4.0). #552
  • Fixed an issue preventing setups with a CCPA campaign from migrating user data from SDK version 7.4.3 onwards. #552
  • Improvments to our USNat documentation.


21 Feb 11:53
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7.6.1 (Feb, 21, 2024)

  • DIA-3617 Fixed an issue introduced in version 7.4.3 that caused users to see the GDPR 1st layer message again (and loose consent data) when upgrading from previous versions of the SDK. #550 Big thanks to @pyrtsa.
  • Minor updates to the Firebase integration example app.


08 Feb 18:20
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7.6.0 (Feb, 08, 2024)


26 Jan 10:06
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7.5.4 (Jan, 26, 2024)

  • DIA-3306 Expanded the way acceptedCategories on SPGDPRConsent works. Previously, a category id would only be added to the list if the user would give consent to it as well as all vendors declaring that category. Now a category id will be include in the list simply if the user gives consent to it, regardless of vendor consent. #547