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Old Install Components

Charles Twardy edited this page Jul 19, 2021 · 3 revisions

Install Project Components

Shouldn't be necessary after release 0.2.1, but here are two options for installing the components yourself.

Option A: Use Vagrant Provisioning

There is a folder called 'vagrant' within this project. Copy the contents of the folder to the location of your vagrant initialization (above).

Option B: Use Manual Installation

SSH into the VM as bigdata/bigdata (vagrant ssh) and execute the following series of commands:

  1. Install Aggregate Micro Paths:
    $ cd /srv/software/
    $ git clone
  1. Install Distributed Louvain Modularity:
    $ cd /srv/software/
    $ wget
    $ tar -xvf distributed-louvain-modularity-cdh4.5.0-giraph1.0.0-bin.tar.gz
  1. Install Track Communities:
    $ cd /srv/software/
    $ git clone
    $ cd ~
    $ ln -s /srv/software/track-communities/tangelo_html tangelo_track_communities
    $ vi
        > tangelo -nc --host --port 8000 --logdir tmp/ --root tangelo_track_communities/ start
    $ chmod 777

Moved the python impala instructions back to the main page, as that seems not to be in the 0.2.1 VM, though the above are.