Releases: SonarSource/sonar-scanner-msbuild
This release ad the support of system certificate stores.
On Windows, uses Windows-ROOT as a truststore.
On Linux, SonarScanner for .NET will try to resolve the local JRE keystore to use it as a truststore.
New Feature
- SCAN4NET-227 Use system trusted certificate or JVM certificate store
Version 9.2 introduces support for self-signed server certificates files. You can now instruct the scanner to trust custom root certificates or self-signed server certificates when contacting your SonarQube Server. You can set the sonar.scanner.truststorePath
and sonar.scanner.truststorePassword
properties in the begin step like so:
dotnet-sonarscanner begin /key:your-project-key /"https://localhost" /d:sonar.scanner.truststorePath="Self-Signed.pfx" /d:sonar.scanner.truststorePassword=changeit
This feature implements the following tickets:
SCAN4NET-206 - Read sonar.scanner.truststorePath and sonar.scanner.truststorePassword in the begin step
SCAN4NET-207 - Map sonar.scanner.truststorePath & sonar.scanner.truststorePassword
SCAN4NET-209 - Implement ServerCertificateCustomValidationCallback to validate certificate against the given sonar.scanner.truststorePath
New Feature
SCAN4NET-171 Read new properties for downloading plugins
SCAN4NET-221 Use constants for RoslynRuleSetGenerator legacy attributes
Hotfix release to address two problems raised in community:
- Fixed a bug where setting
on Azure DevOps extension’sextraProperties
was not respected. - Fixed a bug where the scanner failed during file indexing when a directory could not be accessed.
Hotfix release to address wrong sonar.projectBaseDir
path detection when running on AzureDevOps on Unix-based systems.
The following properties are not taken into account when specified in the begin step:
The reason for this is that the scanner automatically populates them, and user-defined values result in an execution error.
Also, when source generated projects don't have valid GUIDs, the severity of the logging message has been reduced from WARN
We fixed some bugs and removed XML from the analysis:
- Multi-Language analysis: exclude XML files from the analysis.
- Bug-fix: do not crash on malformed paths.
- Bug-fix: make sure server-side exclusions are not overridden
Disabled support for sonar.sources and sonar.tests.
These properties are automatically populated by the Scanner, and they do not function properly if they are also set by user input.
This became more apparent with the introduction of multi-language analysis.
Hotfix release that addresses some of the issues found in community:
- Re-enable sonar.exclusions
- Automatically exclude coverage files
- Skip projects that are transiently created and destroyed during the build.
Bug fix release which addresses these issues:
- Fix #2148: Root directory detection: OS root (/ on Unix or C: on Windows) is identified as the project directory
- Fix #1931: Output directory is used as a fallback when the base directory cannot be identified
- Improvement #2152: Log server version in the begin step, to ease investigations
- Improvement #2156: Better messages for Multi-file analysis