Amirkabir University of Tech Advanced Programming course final project. A Farsi classified ads and E-commerce android app written in java.
- Customers
- Sellers
- Admin
Sellers must register, have a valid email and phoneNumber and can add as many as products they want to sell, edit their profile info and edit their products.
Customers must register, have a valid email and can see all posts, search among products via searching name of the product, various categories and if intersted they can call the seller.
Admin can see all users, have access to all products, promote products and see log counts of all users and check the top Seller.
Each user type has it's own page. Sellers and Customers have a navigation bar that leads them to three pages.
- Home : Sellers can see their own products, edit or delete them.
- Post : A page for adding new products.
- My Account : Seller's info. They can edit their inforamtion or change password.
- Home : They can see all products and go into their page by clicking on them.
- Categoey and Search : List of Categories and option to sort products by cheapest or expensivest and they can search the product by name and filter it by category.
- My Account : Customer's info. They can edit their inforamtion and also they can change password.
On main page admin can choose too see all users and their info, total amount of products, top seller, login count of every user and edit the pinned products.