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This repository has been archived by the owner on Nov 12, 2019. It is now read-only.
Maximilian Westers edited this page Nov 12, 2019 · 15 revisions

This project is not longer maintained!

Welcome to the GradesChecker wiki!

PLEASE MENTION THIS BUG! Grades checker actually works just for the medical informatics master degree course! You can workaround this by changing the links manual but this needs time to understand the code! I'm aware of this bug but can't fix it actual! If you like to contribute a fix, please fork this project!

What is GradesChecker?

GradesChecker is a bash-script and was developed especially for the University Heilbronn. It is possible that it runs with other institutions which runs the HIS Online-Portal but was never tested! The script checks for you if there is a new grade inserted in your transcript of records. For that it connects to the HIS Online-Portal (currently available at, download your transcript of records and saves it locally on your hard drive converted as an XML-File. If it finds out, that a new grade was inserted, it will notify you on your device (e.g Android, IOS, OS X)

How does the notification works?

GradesChecker uses the PushBullet service. For that you have to create an account at their website and download the App wherever you want to receive the notification. Afterwards you have to create an accesstoken for the script (see Installation). The script doesn't provide a functionality to choose a special device to receive the notification (yet). So please be aware that every device you've registered will receive it!

GradesChecker is now hackable!

If you want to do something while the script is running you have now the ability! For each phase there is a special folder, where you can add your own executable scripts. Everytime GradesChecker is running, it will scan the specified folder for executables and execute them. Please be aware that at the moment no information will be given to the script like the grade or something else. It will just use /bin/bash [your_script_name]!


See Installation


See Automatization


ASI-Extract not possible? Please encode all special characters in your password manual with the HEX-Values from For Example: password! will be password%21