Fuel script that cover all vehicles, fuel, electric, air, sea with fuel nozzles and electric charging For ESX and QBCore
Video : https://youtu.be/JC8tyz8AI5E Package : https://github.com/Sna-aaa/sna-fuel
- Pumps with nozzle for electric or fuel
- Gas pump for fuel vehicles
- Electric chargers for electric vehicles
- Out of energies are handled by the script, the vehicle just stop his motor, no more sparks and backwards
- Every vehicles excepted blacklisted ones will stop when out of energy
- Electric cars have a specific consumption model (with nothing at idle)
- Electric cars have a charge curve (quickly until 80% then more and more slowly)
- Electric cars have a discharge curve (slowly until 40% then more and more quickly)
- Consumption can be specified for each vehicle separately
- Tank sizes can be specified for each vehicle separately
- Energy is specified in L or Kw, and price can be configured
- Automatic charging of electric vehicles in garages
- Admin command /fuel to refuel/charge vehicles
- Working jerrican for fuel vehicles
- Jerrican capacity is configurable
- A new export "ApplyFuel" to apply fuel without electric charge for persistence scripts
- Server synced nozzles and hozes
This resource doesn't use standard GTA fuel level anymore, so to adapt your hud: Verify if your hud is LegacyFuel compatible, to do so open the client script and search for: GetVehicleFuelLevel(vehicle) Resource is not LegacyFuel compatible exports['LegacyFuel']:GetFuel(vehicle) Resource is LegacyFuel compatible For LegacyFuel compatible resources, just replace "LegacyFuel" with "sna-fuel" or what you named the directory of this script For not compatible resources, you can replace GetVehicleFuelLevel(vehicle) by exports['sna-fuel']:GetFuel(vehicle)
[es_extended] or [qb-core]
[ox_inventory] or [qb-inventory]
[ox_target] or [qb-target]
Remove any fuel or electricity script that you may have including LegacyFuel, ps-fuel etc
Replace all occurences of "LegacyFuel" by "sna-fuel" (or wathever your directory name is) in all your resources
Replace all occurences of "GetVehicleFuelLevel(" by "exports['sna-fuel']:GetFuel(" in all your resources Exemple of hud configuration esx_hud/client/vehicle/fuel.lua
if not Config.Disable.Vehicle then
if GetResourceState("ox_fuel") == "started" then
function HUD:FuelExport()
return ESX.Math.Round(GetVehicleFuelLevel(HUD.Data.Vehicle), 2)
elseif GetResourceState("LegacyFuel") == "started" then
function HUD:FuelExport()
return ESX.Math.Round(exports["LegacyFuel"]:GetFuel(HUD.Data.Vehicle), 2)
elseif GetResourceState("sna-fuel") == "started" then
function HUD:FuelExport()
return ESX.Math.Round(exports["sna-fuel"]:GetFuel(HUD.Data.Vehicle), 2)
function HUD:FuelExport()
return false
TriggerServerEvent("esx_hud:ErrorHandle", "Setup your custom fuel resource at: client/vehicle/fuel.lua")
- If you want to use the auto charging function for electric vehicles in garage:
- Import the database.sql in your database
- In your garage script a line with UpdateVehicleDateTimeIn must be added when you park the car just before the vehicle deletion, here in qb-garage
local function enterVehicle(veh, indexgarage, type, garage)
local plate = QBCore.Functions.GetPlate(veh)
if GetVehicleNumberOfPassengers(veh) == 0 then
QBCore.Functions.TriggerCallback('qb-garage:server:checkOwnership', function(owned)
if owned then
local bodyDamage = math.ceil(GetVehicleBodyHealth(veh))
local engineDamage = math.ceil(GetVehicleEngineHealth(veh))
local totalFuel = GetFuel(veh)
local props = QBCore.Functions.GetVehicleProperties(veh)
TriggerServerEvent('qb-garage:server:updateVehicle', 1, totalFuel, engineDamage, bodyDamage, plate, indexgarage, type, PlayerGang.name, Damages)
TriggerServerEvent('sna-fuel:server:UpdateVehicleDateTimeIn', plate) --Change
DeleteVehicle(veh, garage)
if type == "house" then
exports['qb-core']:DrawText(Lang:t("info.car_e"), 'left')
InputOut = true
InputIn = false
if plate then
TriggerServerEvent('qb-garage:server:UpdateOutsideVehicle', plate, nil)
QBCore.Functions.Notify(Lang:t("success.vehicle_parked"), "primary", 4500)
QBCore.Functions.Notify(Lang:t("error.not_owned"), "error", 3500)
end, plate, type, indexgarage, PlayerGang.name)
QBCore.Functions.Notify(Lang:t("error.vehicle_occupied"), "error", 5000)