This is obsolete and was mostly done to test out shit, not to be an actual final solution, use instead as it actually works the way TextureAtlas is intended to work. Very experimental Flixel implementation for Animate 2018 (2018 ONLY RIGHT NOW!) TextureAtlas. Mostly a fork of Original.
- Smokey
- Rozebud
- miltoncandelero (Original Code)
- BBPanzu - Tint Color Effect Support
- Be a cool homie and credit when used thank u
Current changes done to the original Code:
- Flixel Implementation
- BlurEffect support
- Some very minor fix stuff
This is a very early build, but it works(kinda), so there's a few limitations, including:
- Animate 2018 Only (i don't fucking know why)
- Not all Animate Effects are working yet(BlurEffect works, but GlowEffect etc. doesn't, also very laggy)
- Generated bitmaps cut off sometimes(Might be able to fix that soon) - FIXED NOW!
- Exported spritemap.json are set to "UTF-8-BOM" encoding for some reason, change it to "UTF-8" instead or you'll get a crash!
How to do the thing:
Make a movieclip in Animate, put all animations with their frames in there. Then, click on the first frame of each animation, go to "Properties", and give the animation a label. That label will be the animation name.
Usage in Flixel is made as easy as possible, you give it to a Sprite just like a normal Spritesheet animation:
sprite.frames = AtlasFrameMaker.construct(Path,excludeArray)
- Usage Example :
sprite.frames = AtlasFrameMaker.construct('assets/images/TextureAtlas/PICO,['Idle,'Left','Right','Shoot'])
Path is the path to the folder that's generated by Animate(duh). ExcludeArray excludes animations from being created. Let's say you have 2 GF versions on 1 TextureAtlas, you could exclude the animations from the one that you don't need currently,making it load faster.
ALSO MAKE SURE TO ALIGN THE ANIMATIONS YOU PLACE TO LEFT AND TOP USING "ALIGN" IN ANIMATE! There's an example .fla so you can see what you gotta do. If you need help with using it, DM me on Discord: Smokey#9928