This tool helps to deploy a kubernetes cluster with ansible.
Note: The following choices are done automatically for redundancy. According to the number of nodes on your cluster:
- The 2 firsts nodes will have master components installed
- The 3 firsts nodes will be members of the etcd cluster
You should have at least 3 nodes but you can spawn only one instance for tests purposes.
- Ansible v2.x
- The current user must have its ssh public key installed on the remote servers.
- The remote user (option --user) must be in the sudoers with no password
pip2 install kargo
A config file can be updated (yaml). (default: /etc/kargo/kargo.yml )
This file contains default values for some parameters that don't change
Note these values are overwritten by the command line.
# Common options
# ---------------
# Path where the kargo ansible playbooks will be installed
# Defaults to current user's home directory if not set
# kargo_path: "/tmp"
# Default inventory path
kargo_git_repo: ""
# Logging options
loglevel: "info"
# Google Compute Engine options
# ---------
machine_type: "n1-standard-1"
image: "debian-8-kubespray"
service_account_email: "[email protected]"
pem_file: "/home/smana/kargo.pem"
project_id: "kubespray-ci-1"
zone: "us-east1-c"
On baremetal
usage: kargo prepare [-h] [-p KARGO_PATH] [--config CONFIGFILE] [--version]
[-y] --nodes N [N ...]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Where the Ansible playbooks are installed
--config CONFIGFILE Config file
--version show program's version number and exit
-y, --assumeyes When a yes/no prompt would be presented, assume that
the user entered "yes"
--nodes N [N ...] List of nodes
The command below will just clone the git repository and creates the inventory. The hostvars must be separated by a comma without spaces
kargo preprare --nodes node1[ansible_ssh_host=] node2[ansible_ssh_host=] node3[ansible_ssh_host=]
usage: kargo aws [-h] [-p KARGO_PATH] [--config CONFIGFILE] [--version] [-y]
[--access-key AWS_ACCESS_KEY] [--secret-key AWS_SECRET_KEY]
[--type INSTANCE_TYPE] [--keypair KEY_NAME] [--region REGION]
[--security-group GROUP] [--vpc-id AWS_VPC_ID]
[--vpc-subnet VPC_SUBNET_ID] [--ami AWS_AMI] --instances
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Where the Ansible playbooks are installed
--config CONFIGFILE Config file
--version show program's version number and exit
-y, --assumeyes When a yes/no prompt would be presented, assume that
the user entered "yes"
--access-key AWS_ACCESS_KEY
AWS access key
--secret-key AWS_SECRET_KEY
AWS secret key
--type INSTANCE_TYPE AWS instance type
--keypair KEY_NAME AWS key pair name
--region REGION AWS region
--security-group GROUP
AWS security group
--vpc-id AWS_VPC_ID EC2 VPC id
--vpc-subnet VPC_SUBNET_ID
EC2 VPC regional subnet
--instances COUNT Number of nodes
if the config file is filled with the proper information you just need to run the following command
kargo aws --instances 3
usage: kargo gce [-h] [-p KARGO_PATH] [--config CONFIGFILE] [--version] [-y]
[-i INVENTORY_PATH] [--pem_file PEM_FILE] [--zone ZONE]
[--type MACHINE_TYPE] [--image IMAGE] [--project PROJECT_ID]
[--email SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL] [--cluster-name CLUSTER_NAME]
--instances COUNT
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Where the Ansible playbooks are installed
--config CONFIGFILE Config file
--version show program's version number and exit
-y, --assumeyes When a yes/no prompt would be presented, assume that
the user entered "yes"
Ansible SSH user (remote user)
--pem_file PEM_FILE GCE ssh pem file path
--zone ZONE GCE zone
--type MACHINE_TYPE GCE machine type
--image IMAGE GCE image
--project PROJECT_ID GCE project ID
GCE project ID
--cluster-name CLUSTER_NAME
Name of the cluster
--instances COUNT Number of nodes
if the config file is filled with the proper information you just need to run the following command
kargo gce --instances 3
usage: kargo deploy [-h] [-p KARGO_PATH] [--config CONFIGFILE] [--version]
[-n {flannel,weave,calico}] [--aws] [--gce] [--upgrade]
[--coreos] [--ansible-opts ANSIBLE_OPTS]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Where the Ansible playbooks are installed
--config CONFIGFILE Config file
--version show program's version number and exit
-y, --assumeyes When a yes/no prompt would be presented, assume that
the user entered "yes"
Ansible SSH user (remote user)
-k SSH_KEY, --sshkey SSH_KEY
ssh key for authentication on remote servers
Ansible SSH user (remote user)
-n {flannel,weave,calico}, --network-plugin {flannel,weave,calico}
--aws Kubernetes deployment on AWS
--gce Kubernetes deployment on GCE
--upgrade Upgrade Kubernetes cluster
--coreos bootstrap python on CoreOS
--ansible-opts ANSIBLE_OPTS
Ansible options
default network plugin : flannel (vxlan) default
default kargo_path : "/home/<current_user>/kargo"
inventory path : "<kargo_path>/inventory/inventory.cfg".
The option
allows to use an existing inventory (file or dynamic) -
On coreos (--coreos) the directory /opt/bin must be writable
You can use all Ansible's variables with
--ansible-opts '-e foo=bar -e titi=toto -vvv'
Note : the value must be enclosed by simple quotes
example: Deploy a kubernetes cluster on CoreOS servers located on GCE
kargo deploy -u core -p /kargo-dc1 --gce --coreos