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SlaynAndKorpil edited this page Aug 23, 2019 · 2 revisions

An example implementation of the I/O interface in the framework via java:

package test.test;

import chess.framework.FileOperationError.FileNotFoundError;
import chess.framework.FileOperationError.FileOperationError;
import chess.framework.Input.Input;
import chess.framework.*;
import chess.framework.javaInterfacing.JChessIO;
import chess.framework.javaInterfacing.Reactions.*;

import static chess.framework.javaInterfacing.JInput.*;

public class TestImpl extends JChessIO {
    public TestImpl() {

        // adding reactions to events; order like with a stack (adding to top,
        // working from top to bottom, ie. last added gets handled first)
        addReaction(new ReactToAll(event -> System.out.println("catch all: " + event.toString())));
        addReaction(new ShowEndedReaction(event -> {
            String result = event.result().toString();
            System.out.println("game ended with " + result);
        addReaction(new ShowDrawOfferReaction(event -> System.out.println("Your opponent offered a draw. Do you want to accept it?")));
        addReaction(new RemoveDrawOfferReaction(x -> System.out.println("remove draw offer: " + x.toString())));

        // giving input (e.g. moving from d2 to d4)
        giveInput(MoveParams(new Square('d', 2), new Square('d', 4)));
        // or offering a draw to your opponent

        // square a2
        Square sq = new Square('a', 2);

        //... and the piece on that square
        Piece p = getChessBoard().apply(sq);

        // testing for piece types
        if (p instanceof Pawn) System.out.println(sq + " is a pawn");
        else System.out.println(sq + "is a " + p);

        // getting color from that piece
        Color c = p.color();

        // Saving...
        try {
            System.out.println("Successfully saved game.");
        catch (FileNotFoundError fnfe) {

        // ... and loading boards.
        try {
            System.out.println("Successfully loaded.");
        catch (FileOperationError e) {

    // defining rendering of the board
    public void update() {

    // to open input receiver to others
    public void giveInput(Input<?> input) {
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