A faster, easier to use client for High Seas.
The shipyard has better styling for YSWS ships, and the doubloons/hr you got on the ship!
Markdown rendering of the READMEs is also faster, looks better, and is more accurate.
The "Generate an idea" button is less buggy, faster (see a pattern here?) and provides objectively better ideas.
The shop is a lot faster and shows more items at a time. It also shows you how many more doubloons you need for items you can't afford.
There is also a search bar and a filter for items that are out of stock.
Finally, there's a shop dialog that you can open by clicking on an item.
An enhanced purchase URL (/api/buy?itemId={id}
) is also available that you can use to buy items.
Rather than a cryptic Vercel error, the error page provides some useful information and has better styling.