A work in development, to say the least.
Compile using the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) or CodeBlocks.
- glew32.dll
- libFLAC-8.dll
- libfreetype-6.dll
- libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll
- libjpeg-9.dll
- libmodplug-1.dll
- libogg-0.dll
- libpng16-16.dll
- libstdc++-6.dll
- libtiff-5.dll
- libvorbis-0.dll
- libvorbisfile-3.dll
- libwebp-4.dll
- SDL2.dll
- SDL2_image.dll
- SDL2_mixer.dll
- SDL2_ttf.dll
- smpeg2.dll
- zlib1.dll
mingw32-make -f *PATH TO MAKEFILE*
- Engine (Major and Significant):
- AnimatedSprite.cpp: Line 5: Finish creating this.
- Engine.cpp: Line 17: Platform independent basepath location.
- Engine.cpp: Line 18: Implement pausing
- Entity.h: Line 7: Properly implement Entity:IDCount
- Globals.h: Line 9: Add GUI support
- Globals.h: Line 10: Make more utility functions
- Globals.h: Line 11: Make some sort of API documentation
- Globals.h: Line 12: 64 bit
- Globals.h: Line 13: Add Linux compatibility
- Globals.h: Line 14: Get rid of inconsistencies between char* and std::string, surely the latter is better.
- Globals.h: Line 15: BORING: Deal with licensing
- Level.cpp: Line 116: Fix this method of iteration.
- LinkedList.h: Line 38: Create proper iteration in contrast to lambda functions.
- LinkedList.h: Line 152: i>length check should not be necessary? (But apparently it is)
- LinkedList.h: Line 161: Figure out why an extra ->next is required.
- RendererBase.cpp: Line 16: Make Vector2f the standard for positions, (perhaps recreate the functions Vector2f parameters) CONSISTENCY IS IMPORTANT
- RendererBase.cpp: Line 41: Improve this
- RendererBase.cpp: Line 50: Improve this
- RendererDirect3D.cpp: Line 1: Complete the Direct3D renderer.
- RendererOpenGL.cpp: Line 8: Make remove vsync from this.
- RendererSDL.h: Line 14: make SDL_RendererFlip and SDL_Colour my own type to avoid SDL.h inclusion in RendererBase?
- SoundManager.cpp: Line 7: Implement an entire resource manager which encapsulated the soundmanager and renderer.
- SoundManager.cpp: Line 8: MP3s with SDL Mixer MUST be of a bitrate of 256kbps and 44100Hz sample rate. (Fix this is possible?)
- SoundManager.cpp: Line 36: Add validation to PlaySound()
- Sprite.cpp: Line 71: Fix Vector Conversion
- Sprite.cpp: Line 77: Shorten or Clean Collision Perhaps. Use an external handler?
- Sprite.cpp: Line 89: Implement Box/Sphere AND per pixel collision detection.
- Game (Minor and virtually pointless):
- Player.cpp: Line 8: Rotary collisions
- Player.cpp: Line 96: Sort out the position of this.
- SpaceLevel.cpp: Line 18: Urgent: Fix bug, where when the second to last entity is deleted, the player is no longer iterated through.
- TestEntity.cpp: Line 14: Figure out why this text renders green.
- TestEntity.cpp: Line 73: Get rid of Input() perhaps? (Maybe make it do the same thing as Tick with deltatime).
- 2-7-14:
- Prepared for release:
- Fixed a few warnings/errors
- Redid the makefile to work in ANY directory.
- Removed needless Entity.cpp class inside src/ which was there for no particular reason.
- 3-7-14:
- Created THIS changelog.
- Fixed filepaths containing '' by replacing all '' to '/'
- Updated SDL from 2.0.1 to 2.0.3
- Added launch message. Engine.h -> "virtual void LaunchMessage()"
- Added version control Globals.h --> "Global::ENGINE_VERSION" type std::string
- Added basic timer class
- 4-7-14
- Version -> Alpha 0.02
- Implemented LinkedLists (TODO: Fix deletion, improve and add better iteration)
- Changed compilation to C++ 14. (-std=C++1y)
- Added a pointless linkedlist example to TestEntity.cpp DefaultProperties
- 5-7-14
- Added SDL_ttf. (Yay more dependencies)
- libfreetype-6.dll
- SDL2_ttf.dll
- Added some minor TODOs.
- Version -> Alpha 0.03
- RendererBase.cpp/RendererBase.h:
- Added: Vector2 LocalToWorldVector(Vector2 in)
- Added: Vector2 WorldToLocalVector(Vector2 in)
- Self-explanatory, really.
- Added SDL_ttf. (Yay more dependencies)
- 6-7-14
- Version -> Alpha 0.035
- Made SetRenderView(int x, int y); set the view at the CENTRE of the screen
- Added -Vector2 and -Vector2f operators.
- Found the cause of the jitter. Remember to use .ToInteger() with Vectors. Vector -> FloatVector conversions need to be improved.
- 7-7-14
- Version -> Alpha 0.04
- Implemented SDL_mixer (badly?)
- Fixed font directory finding by making it use a base directory of the executable folder. (Only works in windows) (Bye bye multiple OS support for a while.)
- 8-7-14
- Version -> Alpha 0.045
- Fixed vector magnitude functions. (Thanks Coi!)
- Fixed LinkedList deletion!
- 20-7-14 / 21-7-14
- Version -> Alpha 0.05
- Added readme generation (python3) (23:59)
- Moved SDL_mixer out of RendererBase class. (0:30)
- Added lots of TODOS (1:05)
- 21-7-14
- Version -> Alpha 0.055
- Fixed RenderView function. It is a lot easier to work with now.
- Gave Sprite class a purpose. (Already supports textures)
- Origin of sprite texture is the centre. (Is this bad?)
- 24-7-14
- Implemented an FPS counter.
- Got sick of 60 fps and disabled VSync. (Everything experienced a spasm. Character was moving too fast, the tick function was in the render function and was called a the same rate!)
- Fixed a memory leak in SDLRenderer::RenderFont(). Surface and Texture was not being Freed/Destroyed. (First memory leak, found during the spasm as the render rate was so high!)
- Implemented Tick using Timer class to fix the spasm. (Gameplay is very smooth now).
- Added float LevelSpeed to Level.cpp
- Tick function now is Tick(float DeltaTime) (Multiply all movement with DeltaTime)
- Iterated through the game and made these changes to each Entity respectively.
- Whoa! 5000 fps when holding left to remove the other entities. This sure is cool! I bet you don't get 5000 fps playing Call of Duty! Hah!
- Updated Generation to include line numbers in the TODO list.
- 27-7-14
- Added AnimationSprite class (Work in progress)
- Fixed a linkedlist bug, where iterate would attempt to call the lambda function when h_node->x is a nullpointer and the linkedlist is empty.
- Did not commit. (Started updating OpenGL)
- 27-7-14
- Version -> Alpha 0.065
- OpenGL renderer dealt with. It is now functional and set to default. (It can be changed with one line of code. See: Engine::Initialize())