This placement cell web application is created for users/employees to manage interviews of students, and allocate students to companies interviews. It is built using NodeJs, ExpressJs, MongoDB, EJS and JavaScript.
- User/Employee singUp and signIn
- Add student
- Delete student
- Allocate added stuudent to the interview
- Deallocate the student form an interviwe
- Update user profile
- Download the CSV report
- Fork the project
- Clone the forked repository in your local system
- Create .env file in the root director and add the following:-
- PORT = "Your port number"
- MONGODB_URL = "Your MongoDB URL"
- SESSION_SECRET_KEY = "Your secret session key"
- Install all required packages
- Run project
npm install
- The project is running on the port number provided by you.
npm start
- NodeJS
- MongoDB
- connect-mongo
- cookie-parser
- ejs
- express
- express-ejs-layouts
- express-session
- fs
- gulp
- gulp-rev
- gulp-uglify-es
- mongoose
- morgan
- passport
- passport-local
- path
- rotating-file-stream
- .env